Chapter 8

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The next few weeks went by with the same routine. The music would stop for bit, allowing you to get some sleep but would start back up only a few hours later, waking you in an instant. You were given a pair of black tracksuit pants and a tank top that was too small for your body, but you were glad you had some form of clothing covering your skin. A Saviour named James was the one assigned to look after you. He gave off a real creepy vibe just by the way he would stare and talk down to you. You had a bad feeling that he was the one who picked out your clothes, giving you the small tank top on purpose, so it hugged your curves tightly giving him something to look at. You had barely said more than a few words to him, choosing to stay quiet whenever he'd pull you from the cell to mop the floors or clean something for Negan. At first you refused to clean anything, but James punished you if didn't follow his orders and there was only so many beatings and days without food you could handle before you gave in and started cleaning whatever he told you to.

You hadn't seen much of Negan, but you figured he was busy trying to work out what Rick and the others were up to since he couldn't get any information out of you. But, the times you did see Negan walk past, Eugene was right there besides him, like they were best friends. You knew Eugene was weak, but you didn't think he would give in to Negan and become one of the Saviours. Negan would have no doubt gave him an offer like he did with you and you hated your former friend for saying yes to the man who had killed so many people you loved.

Whenever they'd walk past you made a point to glare at Eugene, but he refused to even look in your direction and you knew he was ashamed of his decision, but that didn't make it any better.


Daryl had been pacing backwards and forwards by the front gates of Hilltop for the past hour. The Saviours had came a few hours after he arrived at Hilltop after leaving the Kingdom. Resulting in him and Maggie hiding out in some cellar waiting for them to leave. When he arrived, Jesus had told him about Rick and the group finding some explosives and a herd of walkers before Rick told him and Sasha to get back to Hilltop on foot to inform Maggie that they were not giving up. Daryl asked if Y/N was okay, if the group managed to get the explosives before the herd reached them but all Jesus could say was that he was sure they were all okay, that the herd was a fair distance away and that they had plenty of time. But, Daryl could feel something was wrong, he just had a gut feeling that something wasn't right, and he hoped like hell it didn't have anything to do with the herd Jesus told him about.

"I said Rick and the others will be here any day now. But that doesn't mean he will be here this morning. Stop pacing and come have breakfast with the others." Jesus' voice suddenly shouted as Daryl looked over his shoulder to find the other man walking out from behind the trailers towards him.

"Nah, I'm good." Daryl replied, shaking his head. All he wanted was to go to Alexandria and make sure Y/N and the others were okay, but he knew he couldn't go back to Alexandria, not while the Saviours were still looking for him. He couldn't go back to that damn cell, not again.

"Daryl! Jesus! They're here." Maggie suddenly shouted from the guard platform, glancing over at them before looking back out past the fence at where the others probably where. About damn time. "Kal, open the gate." Maggie ordered as she climbed down the stairs as the familiar RV drove through followed by a small van.

The vehicles came to a stop just inside the gates as Daryl and Jesus made their way over to them. Rick climbed out the RV first and he didn't even seem surprised to see Daryl here, he knew Daryl wouldn't be able to stay at the Kingdom for too long. But as Rick began walking towards him his face fell and Daryl instantly knew something bad happened. His eyes quickly glanced over at the rest of the group. Michonne, Carl, Tara, Aaron, Eric, Gabriel and few other members of Alexandria, but no Y/N. You weren't with them... why weren't you with them?

You're Not Alone Pt. 2 ( Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now