Chapter 13

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"It's just a dream. I'm here, wake up." Someone shouted in the background, but you couldn't focus. Everything was black and suddenly you were back in the line-up on your knees watching as Negan bashed Abraham and Glenn to death. You could hear the cracking of their skulls, hit after hit after hit as blood splattered everywhere. You could hear Maggie, Sasha and Rosita all sobbing and suddenly you were in the cell. Everything was dark as you curled up against the corner of your room, your bare skin shivering against the cement wall as you waited for James to show up. It wasn't a matter of if he was gonna show up, it was a matter of when and before you knew it your cell door opened and he walked in with a toothy grin.

"Y/N. Wake up!" The voice shouted again and it took you a few seconds to recognise the voice before you felt hands gripping your shoulders, shaking you as your eyes flew open.

You blinked a few times trying to focus on Daryl who was knelt down in front of you as you panted, trying to catch your breath. You glanced around the unfamiliar room, spotting Rosita asleep on a couch on the other side of the room and you sighed remembering the past the events and why you guys were in a strange room.

"Hey, look at me. Ya alright?" Daryl asked gently, removing his hands from your shoulders to give you a bit of space and you nodded slightly closing your eyes for a few seconds, trying to catch your breath.

"Fuck, I'm sorry I woke you." You whispered, glancing up at Daryl who was watching you with concerned eyes and he shook his head before taking a seat next to you on the couch. You leant into his side as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, kissing the top of your head.

"Nah I was on watch, ya didn't wake me." Daryl replied softly and you nodded before you actually processed what he just said.

"Wait, I told Rosita to wake me up for the next watch." You said glancing over at the woman asleep on the other couch.

"I know, but she thought you could do with the extra rest." Daryl replied and you sighed, you appreciated the thought but you didn't need extra sleep. You just needed Negan and the Saviours dead and for this whole thing to be over. "I know ya haven't been sleepin' much Y/N and ya keep saying that you're okay, but I know it ain't true." Daryl said softly his eyes full of worry, but you shook your head.

"It doesn't matter. We just need to win against the Saviours, that's all that all that matters. Once they're dead I can rest." You replied and Daryl nodded, knowing better than to try argue with you about this topic. He just hoped once the Saviours were defeated that everything would go back to normal... well as normal as life got these days.

For the rest of the night you and Daryl stayed on watch together and by the time the sun was in the middle of the sky the three of you were hiding out the front of the Saviours new outpost where you knew Eugene was making bullets. Rosita was hiding behind a large garbage dumpster across the road from the front door, which you guys worked out was the only door in and out of the building. Daryl was crouched down behind a broken-down car to the left of the building while you were sitting against another vehicle to the right side of the building.

There was a Saviour standing guard outside the door and your plan was to kill whoever came out that door first and the guard. Once another Saviour came outside to look for the people you would take them hostage and use them to kill the rest and take Eugene back to Hilltop. However, that plan fell to shit the moment you saw Eugene step out the door behind another by another Saviour.

You quickly drew your bow back, aiming at the Saviour guarding the door, knowing Daryl would have a clear shot of the Saviour in front of Eugene. You waited a few seconds, not sure what Daryl or Rosita wanted to do, but once you heard the familiar sound of Daryl's crossbow being fired, you knew what needed to be done. You fired at the guard by the door before he could even reach for his gun.

You're Not Alone Pt. 2 ( Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now