Chapter 12

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You walked up the stairs slowly, rocking the precious baby in your arms gently as you entered the room where her cot was. You stood in front of the cot, the room lit up by a few candles as you looked down at Gracie in your arms as she stared back up at you with bright hazel eyes and you smiled.

"Hey, sweetheart. You ready for bed?" You asked softly as she made a cute noise that sounded almost like a laugh and you smiled. So, this is what it would have felt like to hold your baby, you thought to yourself while you fixed her shirt as she reached for your hand. Her little fingers grasping yours, with a surprisingly strong grip as she smiled looking up at you and suddenly you could feel tears welling up in your eyes, but you didn't allow them to spill. It was almost as if she knew you needed comfort right now, like she knew you needed a little bit happiness to dull your pain.

You held her tightly to your chest and you knew in that moment that you would never let anything bad ever happen to her. You would keep her safe, no matter what happened and if the Saviours for some reason tried to take her back, you would protect her and kill anyone who tries to hurt her.

You held her for a few more minutes, rocking her softly as she began falling asleep. You heard the bedroom door open slowly as someone began walking towards you and you could tell by the sound of their footsteps that it was Daryl. You didn't bother turning around because in a matter of seconds Daryl was standing behind you, his hands gently wrapping around your stomach as he rested his head on your shoulder.

The two of you stood like that for nearly five minutes, slowly rocking Gracie in your arms and you couldn't help the tear that trickled down your cheek as you thought of your own baby and how good of a father Daryl would have been. Your tear dropped from your face landing on Daryl's arm and you prayed that he wouldn't notice, but he clearly did as his body shifted slightly in confusion.

"Hey." Daryl whispered softly, but you ignored him as you gently placed Gracie in her cot, watching the sleeping baby for a few seconds before you began walking out the room, Daryl close behind you.

"I'm gonna go have a shower." You stated, not wanting him to see the tears in your eyes as you kept walking down the hallway towards yours and Daryl's bedroom which you knew had a bathroom.

"Y/N, wait." Daryl called, grabbing your shoulder, but you shrugged his hand off and kept walking.

"I said I'm having a shower!" You snapped, glancing over at Daryl who stop walking as he stared at you in concern. He heard the pain behind your shout and as he looked into your eyes he saw it. Your sudden anger was nothing but a shield for your pain, but before he could say anything you disappeared into the bedroom and he heard the bathroom door open and slam shut.

You closed door behind yourself before you began taking your clothes off as you leant against the bathroom sink. You looked over at the mirror and you could barely recognise the face staring back at you. Your eyes wondered over your body, taking in every imperfection. The small circular scar on your left shoulder from when you were shot while helping Sophia. The multiple think, long scars scattered over your chest and stomach. The fading bruises along the sides of your stomach from James grabbing you. You could faintly make out his finger prints in some of the darker bruises and you quickly looked away staring down at the sink as you tried not to think about it.

"Nobody cares about you, I'm doing you a favour."

"If I don't do it, someone else will anyway."

"Just say yes now and I won't have to beat you unconscious first." James' voice echoed through your mind like it was repeat as you shook your head to try get rid of his voice, but it just kept getting louder and louder until you snapped, slamming your fist into the mirror in front of you. The glass cracked beneath your knuckles, but luckily none of it fell as you removed your hand to find blood seeping through the cracks in the mirror.

You're Not Alone Pt. 2 ( Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now