A Wrong Turn

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Ok, so this is my first wattpad story and I get that it'll be confusing. I just want to point out that my sister and I come up with TONS of stories and this is WAAAAAAAYYYY down their personal timeline so stuff will brought up about past adventures so I just ask that you bare with me here. Lisa and Ivy have these strange abilities, like crossing dimensions and summoning random crap, such as swords and food and stuff. I apologize for any stuff that seems confusing in this.)

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing!! Except Lisa and any references to other stories or characters she makes.

WARNING! CAUTION. CAUTION: Lisa and Ed have language. They cuss... A LOT!


Ch.1 A wrong turn

It seems we, you, the readers and I, the narrator, have been brought to a white expanse. It's not a harsh white that would hurt one's eyes, it's more of a pale white.... Like a sheep. The place is filled with strange little wispy swirls in varying colors, from red to blue, yellow to orange, purple to black. It seems to expand forever and ever... Oh what's that strange thing coming this ways? It looks like a huge wall that expands on all sides. Do you see an end? ....... I suppose not, it IS a dimension after all. See all those spots and swirls and such in it? Those are galaxies and stars and planets and all of the cosmos in that dimension. Hang on, it's about to pass over us.... Did you get shivers? Because I always do. Did you see all of it? The universe is a beautiful place, no matter what dimension you go to. Speaking of dimension travelling, here comes a rather well know expert.

(That'll be the only time we get this kinda P.O.V. from the narrator, unless you guys like the whole 4th dimension breaking thing.)

Through a hazy fog of whiteness comes a person. A girl. She looks to be roughly 5'6-5'8 with short brown hair that brushes her shoulder and swept to the side and out of her face. She wears a black tank-top under a green sweat jacket, a pair of khakis that reach her knees and a pair of black flip flops. Her hazel-green eyes are scrunched up in confusion. Her freckled nose is also scruntched up in thought. Her thin lips pucker out in a slight pout. She's holding out a large piece of paper, a map. She sighs and flips it over. "Maybe I should have taken that right by number 248 after all. Gah! I wish these stinking dimensions wouldn't move so much!!" She threw her arms up, the map disappearing in thin air. She crossed her arms and grumbled unhappily, her brow furrowing. Several dimensions could be seen floating around in the background and around her. She continued walking. She grumbled to herself. "This is the LAST time I let Caroline talk me into doing a solo recon. Damn sneaky brat, I blame Seto..." She abruptly tripped, causing her to yelp and fall. She tumbled, recognizing the strange feeling that came with entering a dimension, though it was tinged with something.... Different.... Almost sinister. She landed face-first on the ground.

She pushed herself up on her hands and knees, cradeling her forehead with one hand, grumbling death threats... again. "Lisa Naomi Green. I was wondering when you'd finally come visit." Lisa froze at the voice... err, voices? It sounded like a mix of voices; in fact she could hear her own voice somewhere in there. She sat up to see who or what had spoken. She was stunned into silence.

In front of her sat an all white being that was only visible because of the strange aura-like substance around him-her-them-it. Yeah, let's go with that. Anyways, It also has a creepy smile that seemed to take up most of It's face. Sitting just behind the being, was a gate. It was more of a gigantic door really. The door seems to float a few inches above the ground, due to the small shadow under it. It's covered in an intricate upside-down tree with strange writings that Lisa can't exactly read. The door/gate didn't seem to lead anywhere; it was just kinda... there. "Do you like it?" the thing asked. Lisa blinked several times before standing and dusting herself off.

"Can't say this is surprising. Different, but not surprising." She mumbled. She looked up at the being and smirked. "SO! Just to save us both the trouble, you're Truth aren't you? I don't buy the whole "I am you." line, just so you know." Truth chuckled. "Oh, is that so traveler?" Lisa frowned. "Yes, it is so. Now why don't you tell me how I ended up here." "Hmm? You don't believe in coincidence?" Lisa rolled her eyes, openly annoyed now. "I've been looking for this particular dimension for a while now. You and you're wacky realm block off all other dimensions and any activity between them. For me to just stumble in here is impossible, unless you decided you wanted me here. So start talking." Truth chuckled again. "My, my, you're just like the said you would be. Smart, mouthy, cocky, and ridiculous." Lisa pouted and stuck her tounge out at it. "Waddaya want from me?" "Oh, to play a little game of course." "OOOOOOHHHH NO YOU DON'T!" Truth tilted it's head, still grinning like a mad man at Lisa's rant. "I AIN'T PLAYIN' YO CRAZY ASS GAMES YOU SONOVEABITCH!!" "You don't want to meet them?" Lisa froze mid-rant. "Meet who?" She asked, though Truth knew she already knew the answer to that. And that there was no way she'd refuse now. "Why, the FullMetal Alchemist and his friends, of course." It said teasingly. Lisa bit her lip and dropped her arms to her sides. "What do I have to give up?" "The usual thing you give in these situations. Your dimension jumping capabilities. They will be returned to you when you finish my game." Lisa chewed on her finger. "So I'm NOT going to lose my arm or anything?" Truth grinned. "No, I brought you here on orders from the Man Upstairs." "FUCK HIM!!!" "Now then," Truth extended a hand, palm up. "If you would." Lisa grumbled before holding out her own hand, palm down, inches above it's. A tiny glowing orb faded out of her palm and settled atop of it's. Lisa retracted her arm quickly, as if expecting Truth to set it on fire. Truth, however held the orb and studied it curiously. "My, such a small thing to contain such abilities." "Yeah..."

Truth waved a hand at the gate. It swung open slowly, creaking loudly.

The tiny black hands shot out. Lisa rolled her eyes and then glared at Truth. "Gonna give me a clue on what I gotta do?" She called as the arms grabbed at her. Truth looked up at her and grinned. Lisa felt shivers running along her spine. "Well that would ruin the surprise, now wouldn't it?" Lisa growled under her breath as the doors slammed shut behind her.

Truth continued to grin after the doors shut. "I wonder how she'll fare. Hopefully as well as she has in other worlds."


Well that was more of a prologue than an actual chapter! I had such a good name for the first chapter that I couldn't help it!! Any who! Leave a comment or a... I assume the votes on here are like favorites or likes. The next chapter (or legit first chapter) will be up soon. 'Till then, this is Lisa Green, and I hope you enjoyed!!

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