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[September 19, 2018]

You had Jungkook take you to school today. You walked together as he guided you on your way. He tells you how his classmates were and his new favorite songs. He even sang for you on your way to school and when you got there, you knew the girls were gossiping.

Of course, this isn't the first time they saw you and Jungkook came to school together. And up until now, they still make it seem like a big deal just because Jungkook was a bit known for his 'good looks'. But it didn't really matter, because Jungkook and you both know that you are only friends. Although, sometimes he teases you that you like him and he's a bit touchy here and there, you were best friends. You've known him for the past four years, you pratically spent your high school days with him.

He was there when you were still lost. He has seen your breakdowns. He has seen you through your worst but he's still there. He always offered his shoulder for you to cry on. Maybe, he doesn't understand how you feel but he can see it. He's seen it all, all your bad side. And the way you are then doesn't make you lesser than what you are now.

For Jungkook, you were the great. You are his bestfriend. His safe haven. You are the best thing to him. You are a sister that he wants to protect and take care of. You are that sister he never had. So he tried to keep you. And he will keep you, complete and happy.

Jungkook threw his arm around you. "OH BABY ITS SUCH A LOVELY MORNING! CAN YOU SEE THESE TREES?!" He shouted that surely caught people's attention.

"Jungkook, I'm blind. How can I see the trees?" You whispered to him. And he instantly face palmed his face.

"Right. I forgot about that. Sometimes its hard to fool around with your case." He says as he roll his eyes. You laugh at him as you mentally agree to him.

Sometimes, you wish that you can see. Sometimes, you question God for making you like this. Sometimes, you don't want to accept your fate. You wonder how your life would be if you can still see. You guessed it would be better than this. Sometimes, you just want to be normal like anybody else.

But wanting it doesn't really bring your sight back. Unless someone wants to donate their eyes to you. That was the only hope you had.

"Ah, stupid Jungkook. I forgot to bring your magic stick." Jungkook sounded frustrated.

You pouted. You know you can survive without your guide stick if only you would stay inside your room but if you go outside, you might cause trouble.

"Its okay. I'll just stay inside my room." You smiled at him sincerely and he exhaled loudly.

"Okay. I'll just go to you at lunch and I'll fetch you when the class ends." He suggested that you nodded to.

"Hey! Taehyung!" You jumped when Jungkook shouted loudly. You weren't prepared for his loud voice.

And then there was that red headed boy again, his gucci backpack slung on his one shoulder. His hands on his pockets and expressionless face. The sunlight kissing his face as he stride towards the school entrance.

His eyes finding Jungkook's as Jungkook call out his name. Taehyung remembers that guy. The one with fair skin, black doe-eyes, jet black hair, a pointed nose and thin lips. The one who looks like a girl from his class.

Taehyung raises an eyebrow at Jungkook, not because he sees Jungkook as another butt face but because he doesn't know Jungkook's name. And Jungkook signalled him to come closer and Taehyung doesn't know why but he still obliged.

"What is it?" Taehyung says as he approach to where you and Jungkook are. And you heard him, you heard Taehyung. That deep low voice that belongs to an old hag. But you smelled that same refreshing scent again, and you knew he was the same guy at the shed that day.

"Just want to talk to you about our project?" Jungkook was unsure. He knew about Taehyung. He was the guy who's always at the back of their room. The red headed guy who always snaps at their guy classmates.

"Uh, yeah. What's your name again?" He asked Jungkook and then, after like a minute, he finally took in your presence. You were there with Jungkook. And you had the shades again.

"You can call me Kook." Taehyung eyed you for a second then his eyes went back to Jungkook.

"Is she your girl?" He bluntly asked and you stiffened. Was he talking about you?

Then Jungkook's arm goes back again to your shoulder blades protectively.

"Yeah. Why'd you ask? Is there something wrong?" Jungkook squeezes your shoulder lightly and you smack his side when you knew he was fooling around again but he kept you steady.

"Nothing, let's talk about our project in the room, Kook." And he tapped Jungkook's shoulder, then he glanced at you for the last time, "Nice shades by the way." And then he was off.

You bite down your lips. You heard it. You heard the sarcasm in his voice. He was telling the opposite. The shades looked ugly on you in his eyes. He doesn't like the shades. Or maybe, he just doesn't like that you're wearing it again.

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