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[November 11, 2018]

"'I'm in love with you,' he said quietly." The red headed boy almost whispered, his voice soft and sweet to your ears.

"'Augustus,' I said." He stops, "Come on, repeat after me, my Hazel Grace." He says as he poke your cheek with his finger and you giggle.

"I'm no Hazel Grace." You said.

"Come on, just say it." He convinced you, slightly shaking your arm. He reminded you of a child trying to convince his mother to buy him his favorite candy bar.

"Agustus." You said and Taehyung giggled.

"That's right. Please speak more passionately next time." He says, "We may now continue."

You chuckled, the both of you were seated beside each other in a library. He was holding a book while you rest your chin in your palms.

Just a few hours ago, the red headed boy decided to go in the library and read you a book. At first, you disagreed saying that his time will just be wasted but he insisted.

So without complaining, you let him lead you here. The red headed boy chose a book called 'The Fault In Our Stars', saying that it will move you. And you don't regret coming to the library with him, hearing Kim Taehyung read a book passionately brings you joy. It makes you proud how he handled every word and how passionate he is.

You knew the red headed was really something.

"'I am,' he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. 'I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.'" The red headed boy was so engrossed in reading, his voice turned dramatic everytime he reads a quoted sentence.

Kim Taehyung sighed, he put down the book and looked at you. "Oh, this is so dramatic. Would you rather have a guy confess to you like this?"

"Well, its sweet. And it does make my heart flutter in a way." You admit as you let out a shy smile.

"Shouldn't it be blunt? Like you could just say that you like someone without being so dramatic. I would do that." Taehyung's brows furrowed, ready to make an argument out of it.

"Don't you want her to remember your confession for the rest of her life?" You said softly, you wanted him to understand it.

"But its like you're just sugarcoating your words. Sigarcoated or not, you still feel the same." With eyes full of confussion, he looked like a lost kid.

"Kim Taehyung, Agustus felt a really deep and intense love for Hazel Grace that's why he said it. Maybe Hazel did make him feel such things that he wanted to express it that way." You explain. Your brows finally moving to meet each other.

"But Agustus could've showed to Hazel what he felt and just confessed bluntly." He said, determined to make a point.

You lean in, "Hey, are we going to read this book or not? Its already written, we can't do anything about it." You said as you sighed, your voice laced with irritation that made the red headed boy clear his throat and go back to reading the book.

"But say you confess to someone, how are you going to do it?" You suddenly interrupt him, you face him.

It makes you wonder how the red headed boy confess to someone he loves. You wished he does sugarcoat his words, for his image would fit in that way.

He turns to look at you. "Should I do it to you?" He says and you suddenly stiffen.

Why does that sound like it has other meaning? But you shake your thoughts off as you nod.

Taehyung stared at your face, his eyes wander there for a moment, then lingers to that pinkish spot just below your nose where a cupid's bow is drawn.

His hands reach for you face and you almost jump, his fingertips run on your cheek then tucks a stands of hair behind your ears.

His hands then went to your nape, and you swore you felt shivers run down your spine.

You weren't aware that the red headed boy is now leaning in to you. His eyes hooded, it goes to meet your blind eyes then goes back down to your lips. It repeats, he does this for a second.

And you shut your eyes when you felt a soft thing touch the side of your lips. It was warm and delicate, you don't know why it made your insides tingle.

You wonder what it is, and you wait for the red headed boy to speak but he doesn't as his eyes closed and heart beating loud.

"Kim Taehyung, what are you doing?" You whisper, you lips moving in a little motion.

And Taehyung retreats his face. Ears red and cheeks flushing. He couldn't look at you in the eyes even though you can't see him. He clears his throat then picks up the book.

"A-as he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once." He stutters and you almost giggle when you realize he already read that part to you earlier.

And then it sinks into you slowly, Hazel Grace was right, you too felt that way. Slowly and then all at once.


Give me some support fam, Im really doubting myself I could win the beauty contest. Come fam, hug me.

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