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[October 25, 2018]

You sit on a table with Jungkook and Jimin whom you invited. You were suprised Jungkook wasn't snapping at Jimin or sound frustrated and annoyed. In fact, Jungkook is in a good mood today.

And you don't know why so you ask him, "What happened that made you like this?" You asked, smiling.

"Like what?"

"Like you just won a lottery." Jimin butts in.

"Oh, boy I did not. My girl did. And its just about to arrive." The black haired man smirk to himself as his eyes meets the red headed boy's.

You're brows meet as you knew that Jungkook was talking about you and you have no clue about it. "What's about to arrive?" You asked.

"Harmony." He sang out. And you thought he was just practicing his vocals.

The red headed boy stride towards you and you weren't aware of it. His eyes fixed on your back, his mind racing as he sees you again. Something in him changed since last night and now he can't look at you the same as before.

Before, you were a special human being to him but now its even more intense. You're his person now and he wont let anybody step on you or even steal you.

"Kim Taehyung!" Jungkook calls for him and you stiffen. Your back automatically straighten, you hold your breath.

You heard his footsteps nearing you and you gulp. Is he going to join you for lunch? If so, you don't know how to act around him. You don't know if you can still act the same as before. It will be awkward now.

You start to overthink as you felt his presence. That same presence that made you feel a thousand feelings. It was warm, comforting and safe. You felt relaxed as you let go of your breath.

"Joining us?" Jungkook asked the red headed boy and you almost kicked him under the table knowing that he is just sitting in front of you.

"No, I will be joining Rhea for today." You heard his deep and low voice and it made you happy because you heard his voice again but also sad for the fact that he is joining Rhea for lunch.

Maybe, he realized that he really likes Rhea. And now that you're not around him anymore, he can date her now. And it hurts you. Even though you knew you were just a friend to him and so is he towards you yet you can't help but feel hurt. Your heart tightens. You knew it was purely platonic so why were you hurting?

Why do you want to pull his wrist as he pass by your side to stop him and just make him stay with you? Why are you feeling like this?

Jimin just stared at you the whole time. His jaw clenched as he realized that what Taehyung said was true. He did have a special spot in your heart. It awakens something inside of him, a mixture of jealousy, envy and anger.

He felt like he's already defeated by the red headed boy but he doesn't surrender. Afterall, its only the beginning. Or is it?

The orange headed girl waved at Taehyung as she displayed a proud smile, her eyes bragging to other girls as she became the center of attention.

"Hi, babe." She muttered as Taehyung stopped infront of her. She leaned forward and kissed Taehyung's cheek.

"I already ordered your meal. I was really glad you called me last night. We can hang out at my house tonight." She says as she flash him a genuine smile.

Rhea is really in love with Taehyung, to the point where she becomes too desperate and does things that are too low for her liking. And Taehyung knows it, so he just let her be but that was before. And now, the situation has changed because she tried to touch you. Someone precious to him.

Taehyung's action were stiff but Rhea doesn't notice it since in her eyes it only makes Taehyung more manly than ever.

Taehyung took a few bites as he wait for Rhea to finish her lunch, the girl tries to open a converstation every now and then but Taehyung's answers were small and blunt.

Rhea stares at Taehyung as she reach for his hand. "Baby, what's wrong?" She asks him with soft voice.

"You tell me what's wrong." The red headed boy's voice was firm as he fix his gaze at her.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" Rhea's perfectly made brows met as concern displayed in her eyes. It was the first time Taehyung came first to her, she can't mess this up.

"Don't play innocent with me." Taehyung gritted his teeth, he was losing his patience. But he needed to go soft on her since she was still a girl.

"I... I don't get it. I don't know what I did wrong." Rhea's voice shakes as her eyes fill with tears.

"Y/n!" He shouts your name and you stiffen.

Why was he shouting your name with anger in his voice?

Taehyung's eyes flutter close as he took deep breaths, fist clenching. "Do you really have to stoop that low?" He growls.

"What?" The orange haired girl was dumbfounded.

"Do you really have to threaten her?" Taehyung's voice grew louder. "Make her stay away from me?" The red headed boy sounded so pissed off.

"Do you know how much she suffered?! Do you know how much I suffered?!" Taehyung shouts, making you jolt from your seat.

You shiver as you hear his voice strike like a thunder. The hair on your skin stood up as your eyes widen.

"Why are you so fucking desperate? Why do you have to drag her into this? Did you think that will make me like you?!" He sounded frustrated and it was Rhea's turn to cry. "No, I don't think I can ever like someone like you. You disgust me." He spat.

"What do you even see in her?! Why do you even like her?! Do you really, Taehyung?!" The orange haired girl shouted, veins showed on her neck. "Why can't you just like me?! I've always been here! I can make you happy. Please." She sobs.

Taehyung stood up from his seat. "She is everything that you weren't and can never be, maybe that's why."

Taehyung bitterly smiled at her as he left her crying all by herself, a center of attention to people just like how she wanted it to be but not in this way.


Did Taehyung satisfy you with what he did to Rhea?

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