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[October 25, 2018]

"I fucking hate you, bitch!" The orange headed girl screams at the top of her lungs as she grab a fistful of your hair then pulling it.

Your eyes widen as you feel the excruciating pain shooting on your scalp. You whimpered in pain and Jimin tries to hold Rhea.

But Rhea's anger was more stronger than Jimin as she pushes him to the side and pounces you.

Your body not ready for the sudden force, your back came crashing down and hitting the floor. You groaned as you also felt pain on your back.

You lay there on the green field with Rhea on top of your stomach, clawing your face.

"Why do you have to exist?! Just. Fucking. Die." She said, seated on your stomach, she slapped your face with such force. Right and left.

You try to dodge her slaps as you cross your arm infront of your face while you cry.

"Stop it. Rhea please! I did what you wanted!" You screamed back as you plead.

Rhea's eyes were filled with tears and so as yours. Her eyes bloodshot, her nose red and her lips quivering. "What I wanted?! I only wanted Taehyung! And you only ruined everything by telling him!" She cries.

And even though you pity her, you still tried to defend yourself. "I didn't tell him! And if only you didn't threaten me then there should be nothing to tell!" You scream. "You did it all by yourself Rhea. You ruined your every chances with Taehyung."

And she sobs, loud then howls. She was hurting, so much because she felt that she can never have that same chance again. Not with what she did. She's angry. Not with you but because deep inside she knew that it was her fault, but she couldn't swallow everything. She has to blame you.

She grits her teeth as she shout in frustration, now done pulling your hair and slapping you, she balls her fists and throws them at you. Some of her attacks hit your head and you scream.

Jimin tried to cling to Rhea's upper body and tried lifting her up but when he did so, Rhea only hit your stomach with her knee making you groan in so much pain.

And the red headed boy sees this, his mouth flew open as he hear you groan and in pain. It all flashes in his eyes, as if it was in a slow motion he sees how Rhea's knee sink in lightly onto your stomach.

Without thinking, he runs to you and pulling you out under Rhea. He sits you up and hugs you as he feels your body shaking.

You were scared for your dear life and you let your tears flow like a dam breaking as you felt his arms wrap around you, suddenly feeling the comfort you needed. You felt safe.

"Shh. I got you. I got you." He says as he caress your hair.

Rhea struggled as she fought and kicked while Jimin pulled her away from you but she hooked her arms around your foot and dragged you away from Taehyung. As a reflex, your arms cling to Taehyung's neck and you try to hold on to him as much as you can, he does too as he wrap his arms around your body tighter.

"No! Taehyung help me!" You scream as you whimper from Rhea's nails slowly penetrating your skin.

"Stop it, Rhea. Just fucking stop it!" He screams as he reach for Rhea's hand and uses force to unleash your foot from her grip.

"No! She took you away from me! You are mine Taehyung! Please! I've been here since you can remember." She sobs, knees dropping to the floor.

Taehyung scoop you up the grass field and pulling you near his chest and you bury your head on his neck, feeling exhausted.

"Im sorry but I couldn't remember you one bit." Taehyung spat as he took a step away from the scene with you in his arms.

Rhea would do anything for Taehyung. She will beg if she has to. So she clings her arms to Taehyung's foot, stopping him from leaving and she begs. She sobs as she hug his legs.

"Taehyung please. I promise I will not do anything to her again, just please be with me." She says, some words muffled by her sobs.

Taehyung gazes down with cold eyes. "You've done everything to her. I don't want to see your face again, leave this school or I will make you." He said as he gritted his teeth.

Rhea's eyes widen as she look up. "You can't do that to me!" She shouts.

"Oh honey, I can do everything to you. This is my territory and you just touched my most prized possession. Do you even know the consequences of what you did?" And the Taehyung everyone was afraid of showed again. His eyes showing fire of anger and vengeance.

"A life in hell awaits you, my darling. Leave before it gets to you." Taehyung smirks like a devil, his eyes dark, his features strong.

Rhea's grip loosens as she shiver in fear, still tears flowing down her cheeks. The red headed boy turns to the guy shorter than him. He threw Jimin a disappointed look.

"I didn't think you'd be that useless. I expected more from you, Park." He says. "I gave you my warning and you failed to abide it, now it's time to take back what's mine." He says darkly.

Taehyung took a step, looking at everyone who didn't even dare to stop Rhea from hurting you. They quickly clear out the way, gaze lowering in shame. And Jimin can only look at you with sad eyes as he watch you being carried by another man's arms.


Rhea's role here is done. What about Jimin? What do you want to do with him?

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