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[October 23, 2018]

"Oh, shoot." Jungkook muttered as he stared down his phone that was clutched by his hands.

You came alert as you heard panic in his voice. "What is it?" You tried to make your voice calmer and not too tensed like his.

"I need to go. There's an emergency in the room. " he said to you with wide eyes. "I'll have someone lead you back to your room okay?" He caress your hair before he runs off.

And you understand as Jungkook is the president of their room. He was responsible for everything and sometimes you wonder if being Jungkook is a hard thing. Maybe it is, with all the burden he's been carrying all along but you guess that Jungkook wouldn't accept the burden if he can't handle it.

Jungkook curse as he run, nobody he could trust was coming his way. He can't just leave you there and let you figure out your path. No one knows what might happen and besides, you were one of his responsibilities, priority even.

His mind was still clouded with your problems and safety. He was thinking of how you and Taehyung would get back to being close again. And it would just be great if the red headed boy would bump with him and not these idiots.

But instead of seeing the red headed boy, he saw some ash brown hair paired with fluffy cheeks and plump lips. Urgh, you got to be kidding me, not Jimin please, he thought.

He knew everything would be a mess if Jimin would interfere in your life. He was trouble while Taehyung was peace for you, ironically. Their effect to you was the oposite of their personalities. And Park Jimin was the one that was stopping the flower to bloom.

A flower that you and Taehyung started to grow.

And Jungkook was frustrated as he said, "Screw it." And approached the shorter boy.

He didn't like Jimin at first sight but he needs to get you to your room safely and since Jimin helped you once with your bullies, Jungkook assumed that Jimin can take care of you. He just hoped that everything will get better and fixed with you and Taehyung.

He hopes for Taehyung to see you with Jimin and snatch you away, because that was the only way Jungkook saw that can make everything better with Jimin on the side. If the red headed boy becomes jealous enough to act out his feelings.

"Park Jimin?" Jungkook's voice was stern and a bit cold as he put an invisible barrier between him and the ash brown haired boy.

Although the ash brown haired guy's action was kind and tender, Jungkook had to be honest, Jimin's face was the epitome of seduction. Jungkook knew that Jimin can allure any girl with his face, body, actions and voice, thus the chances of you falling for Jimin falls half the percent he calculated that a woman could fall for Jimin.

He tried to compare Jimin and Taehyung. Taehyung would be the perfect boyfriend and knight in shining armor that every girl would dream of, like a fictional character, ideal but real. Taehyung's facial expression and voice is quite alluring too. As for Jimin, his actions were too fictitious, he's mixed with reality. Jimin was the type of every girl would want if it is inclined with sexual needs.

But with you so innocent and pure, you wouldn't know what it feels like to be allured and would never think of sexual things. And Jungkook was thankful about it, he knew it was right to keep you like this, pure and naive.

Hooded eyes met with Jungkook's. "Yeah?" His squeaky and melodic voice made Jungkook cringe.

"Yeah, I know we don't know each other but can you do me a favor?" Jungkook was embarrass for himself, he really didn't like recieving any help from people he wasn't close with.

But he needed to do this. For you. So without hesitation, he came to Jimin even though his guts didn't like the owner of the ash brown hair.

Jimin nodded yet clueless. He saw how Jungkook's eyes were filled with worry. "Sure." He muttered.

"Remember the girl I was with yesterday? The owner of the handkerchief you returned?" Jungkook said.

And Jimin's eyes lit up. He recognised you soon, you were the same girl he helped so how could he forget you? How could he forget someone like you? Of course, it was more than helping you through your bullies that made you unforgettable for him.

Jimin nodded again. "Can you please escort her back to her room? I have some business to do." Jungkook sounded frustrated so the guy with plum lips agreed.

If he can help, why not? He was more than willing to do so, honestly. So he goes to where you are and he sees you sitting there, waiting for the person that Jungkook sent to escort you. You were waiting for Jimin.

A smile crept to Jimin's plump lips. His eyes almost disappearing as it makes a crescent shape and the sides crinkling. The boy became soft as soon as he sees you.

Of course, who wouldn't turn soft just by seeing you? Everyone would, including Jimin and Taehyung.

The short guy skips towards you, his insides jumping in excitement. The truth was, since he transfered and laid his eyes on you, he already wanted to approach you. But Taehyung came to the picture making you out of his reach.

You were just one of a kind. There was something in you that made the kind boy smitten and he knew that Taehyung saw it too as the red headed boy was inseperable from you since last month and he was afraid of the red headed boy since he was just new to your school and Taehyung was known for being notorious. But now, he doesn't see the red headed boy much around you plus his reputation is slowly building up with his charms and he thinks it was his chance.

He had to grab it. He had to grab it before the red headed boy comes and snatch you back. He had to grab you while he can reach you. Otherwise, he would miss it. He would miss it for the rest of his life and lose someone like you.

Someone like you who caught the kind boy's attention above all the others.


Why do I feel like this book is going crappy? Idk, but I dont want this book to be trashy. Help me guys.

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