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"Renley, wake up! You slept in." I felt my mom shaking my shoulders. I sat up instantly, trying to figure out where I was. I was still dressed in yesterday's clothes, my English book laying open at the end of my bed.

"W-what?" I blinked. My mom placed her hands on her hips with aggravation.

"Honestly Renley. It's the second week of school." She shook her head at me.

"I guess I fell asleep doing my homework and forgot to set my alarm. I'm sorry." I apologized like a little kid. I watched her hard expression soften a bit. She sighed.

"Did Amanda stay late last night? If you can't get up for school on time maybe you shouldn't do movie night on a school night." My mom sat down on my bed. Amanda? Oh, right. I still hadn't told her. It was getting hard to remember who knew what now a days.

"Maybe you're right. I'll tell her." I only say. My mom gives me a small smile and pushes my hair back away from my face.

"Get dressed. And brush that hair." She said as she left my room. Today was Friday. Thank gosh for that! I think that's the only reason I was able to get up and get dressed for school. Picking up my phone I check to see what time it was. I had missed homeroom and first period. Oops.

Quickly I brushed my curly brown hair, making it wavy and smoothing it out so that it wasn't all tangled. I brushed my teeth real fast and then threw on the first thing I could find. A pair of black jeans, and a loose white plain T-shirt. Good enough. At least my outfit didn't scream look at me.

I checked my phone one more time to check my timing skills when I noticed all my notifications. Most of them were for twitter. I swallowed. It's a twisted thing honestly. In reality you know you shouldn't look at what people are saying about you because you know it will only hurt you. But at the same time you HAVE to know. You can't just ignore it. I clicked on and skimmed through, most of it was old stuff
Just new comments. Nothing really new though. That was a good thing, right? I sighed and exhaled out, I saw I had a text message too. Huh? I haven't received a text since summer. Just from my mom. I click on the message, but I don't recognize the number.

Hey Renley it's Westly, I was just checking to see if you're alright. Text me back. Westly? How the heck did he get my phone number?

Um I'm fine, how did you get my #? I responded back. I got a reply within moments.

Who am I? Lol I didn't respond back. What does one even say to that? I found it unsettling that Westly Thomas was taking such an interest in me. It couldn't be good.

I took my time driving to school. I wasn't really in a rush. I mean I was already late, and it's not like I wanted to be there anyways. Once I got there I went straight to the office and signed in late. My mom wrote me a note lying and saying I had a tummy ache. I think the office ladies already knew it wasn't true. Second period was almost over so I figured I'd just wait until Physics class. What was the point?

I walked the hallways, avoiding the hall monitors. I knew the check points. It was the same every year. I wasn't paying much attention as I stared at the walls of lockers and bulletin boards. I was just entering the west wing of the school when I heard it. The sound of a slamming against the lockers. I was on high alert as I rounded the bend.

"Creepy Knuckle." I heard a laugh. I picked up my pace. I came into view just in time to see the second girl passing Harper push her with her shoulder back into the locker. I knew
These girls. They were sorta friends with Amanda, I hadn't really been friends with them but we had socialized here and there. I looked at Harper who was clutching her shoulder, her books and papers laying beneath her feet.

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