Winners Never Cheat: And Cheaters Never Win

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After my weekend with Westly I was feeling pretty good about our friendship. Beside that one small awkward moment, you know about the whole sex talk. That was pretty weird but even still I was starting to feel oddly comfortable around him. Like I could just let my guard down a bit and relax. I wasn't completely comfortable of course, I couldn't fully be myself but I was getting there quick. Faster than I ever thought possible. That's why I decided to bring him up to my grandma on Sunday when I went to visit. I think something I learned from life was making time. I had to make time for those who were the most important and I felt sorry that I hadn't realized it sooner. I was here now though, and I enjoyed the time I had with her. She's pretty funny actually. She still cheats at cards though. I just know it.

"Gram, how did you meet pap?" I asked her after she won in yet another game of liars poker. She was cleaning me out. I'd have to ask Mom for a raise in my allowance. She started to deal another round and I watched as her face took on an almost wistful look. Sad, but wistful.

"He was a catch. I wasn't the only one who noticed him. I had myself some competition; but you know Renley if you really want something bad enough, you have to fight for it. Fight for what you want, and don't fight for what you don't. Does that make sense?" She puzzled. I smile at her.

"Yeah I get it. Also three threes." I challenge. She raised her brow.

"Four fours." She called. Damn.

"I fold." I tell her glumly. I thought maybe I should go big or go home. Guess I went on home.

"So tell me about this boy of yours." My grandma was very intuitive. I had not told her about Westly. I sighed and shrugged.

"I don't know Gram. When I'm around him all my problems seem to go away for a little bit. He has that ability about him, to make me forget. Which is fine for now but there will come a time and a moment where I can't keep running and I'm afraid of that day." I say honestly.

"And why are you afraid my child?" I thought about it for a second but deep down I already knew the answer.

"Because what if he can't make me forget anymore? What if I get so comfortable with him and when it's time he disappears on me? Than I'd really have nobody at all." I tell her my deepest concern. It was true too. Clearly I was wrong about my friend choices before. What made this time any different? Because you guys connected in a way that you never have with any of your friends before. My inner thoughts swarmed my brain.

"Trust is a fragile thing. You can't just assume the worst in him without ever giving him a chance to prove himself. Also my sweet girl, we are never truly alone." Grandma told me while she dealt out another round of cards.

"You're grandma Patty is right sweet heart." Her friend Glady said from across the table. "I'm all in." She told my gram, who dealt her two more cards. I looked at my hand. I had crap. Again. Glady was a cheat too. No wonder her and grandma got along so well. Who ever said cheaters never win obviously have never played cards with these two.

"I fold." I toss my cards down woodenly.

On Monday I was running a little bit late. Probably because I didn't actually want to go to school. I had no idea how people had reacted too the news about Westly and I "dating" I hadn't checked the twitter page. I grabbed my bag, and a granola bar to go when My phone started going off. Of course I knew
It was Westly. He was the only one who would call me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Would you hurry up?" He demanded without even saying hi back.

"Excuse me?" I asked him slightly irritated now. What was he talking about?

"I've been waiting for you for thirty minutes. We're running late let's go." He said hanging up on me. I was flabbergasted. When I got outside I saw Westly impatiently standing by his jeep. When he saw me he lifted up his arms with annoyance. I slowly walked down my steps to assess the situation.

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