Bad Begining

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Have you ever put yourself in a situation that wasn't ideal? One that you knew there wouldn't be any form of a good turn out? It's hard to have control where none exists. Sometimes things are just out of your hands entirely, then when people get wind of it, it gets twisted and turned into something even worst. Somebody always has something to say, or something to add to the story. Then the later results aren't even close to the actual truth. That's exactly what happened to me. No matter what I say or what I do to try and take back that horrible night, it just ends up making everything worst. It seems as if people will always believe the rumors apposed to the truth. They will always be quick to judge you so harshly and think the worst of you. I've tried to explain so many times, but the more I defend myself the worst it gets. At this point I think I should just stop speaking entirely. Everything I say makes it all worse than it originally was. The whole Franklyn high school hates me. Case and point.

As I walk down the stairs into the living room I'm thinking about how bad today will be. How everybody at school will be talking about me. I think about what I did, and what happened that night at Jack Rosters party. Without realizing it, I had hung my head in shame. I give myself a mental shake and let it go. I have to stop this. This wallowing and self pity. Clearly I'm getting nowhere with it. Plus, mom will be around the corner in the
Kitchen waiting for me. I can't ever let her know what happened. I can never let my guard down, she will sense something is up. Instead I plaster on a fake smile, and pretend my life isn't falling apart at the seams. Maybe if I do it perfect enough she won't see. Won't notice.

"There's my senior! Awe you look so pretty baby girl!" She exclaimed excitedly. Even if I wasn't excited for my undoing, she certainly was. A snap of light momentarily blinds me. It takes a second to register what had happened. Blinking a few times I come too, only to see a camera in my mothers hands. I put on a small smile and let her snap another photo of me. It takes everything I have not to flinch away from the camera. I wished they had never been invented. Pictures never showed everything that was going on anyways. In fact pictures only showed one side to one story. Therefore, pictures lie, people lie, everything is a lie.

"Huh, I thought you would be more excited than this." My mom said slightly disappointed. I felt bad for taking away her special day. A day she had always dreamed of, well, I mean after my wedding and prom of course. I sighed.

"I guess I'm just really tired. Still not used to the school schedule yet." I lied easily. She only rolled her eyes at me.

"Well I told you to start going to bed a little earlier every night until you got used to it. Sometimes you are so stubborn Renley." She tsked at me. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"I have to get going or I'll be late. I love you mom." I say. She paused slightly and smiled. I don't tell her enough that I love her. I should do that more. Giving her a quick hug, I take a
Swig of her orange juice and grab the keys to my car. My car is nothing special. She gets me from point A to point B unharmed. A 2004 Chevrolet. She was a pretty dark blue though.

As I drove to school, I had a vivid day dream about skipping school, leaving town, and never coming back. Like ever. Yes, things were that bad for me. I promise you. When I pulled up into a parking spot, I saw my ex best friend Amanda a couple cars over. She was hanging out with my old group. Chad, and Cathy the twins were there. Along with Chads best friend, my old friend, Dustin. Cathy's girlfriend Emma, and a few others. We all used to be best friends, or I guess so I thought. After the party they all stopped talking to me. Even Amanda. I still don't understand why they just abandoned me like that. I fight the urge to stop and say hi. They haven't talked to you in weeks, I think to myself. Don't stop. Instead I keep going, but before I'm out of ear shot I hear Zoey laugh and whisper something to Amanda. I grind my teeth at her. She's always wanted my best friend. Now it looks like she got her. Better watch her back, Amanda might stab hers too.

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