The Not So Fool Proof Plan

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"So, I've been thinking." Westly's voice startled me and I let out a scream. Why did he keep DOING that? Giving me a heart attack must come naturally to him. He smiled a boyish grin that could melt the hearts of a thousand girls across the country. I hated that smile, it meant trouble. I could feel it.

"Can you stop that?" I hissed slamming my locker shut with to much force. It bounced back open and swung back at me. I quickly covered my face waiting for the hit but it never came. When I peek my eyes open I saw Westly's hand holding my locker door with an amused expression.

"Careful there tiger. Your locker door almost beat you up." He smirked. Oh, whatever. He was so annoying with his smug self.

"Thanks for the advice master chief." My voice is dripping with sarcasm.

"You want some more advice?" He asked sincerely.

"Nope." I shook my head. And turned away from him. I was gonna be late for second period. My calculus teacher would be livid.

"Renley would you wait for a second? I have a propitious for you. An I would like it if you would hear me out." Westly easily caught up with me. His long legs could cover much more distance than mine could. I spun around on my toes to face him.

"What makes you think I would be interested in anything you proposed to me?" I challenged. He seemed overly pleased from my reaction. God, could I do nothing right anymore?

"Because I have something you need." He enlightened me. I half laughed at this.

"An what might that be?" I urged him to continue. I was faintly aware that I was falling into his trap, I just couldn't help myself.

"Popularity." He said simply. I shook my head.

"No, what I want...what I to stay under the radar until graduation." I shot over my shoulder while I started to walk away.

"No what you need is for the rumors to be explained and turned into something else. Something more positive." I slowed my pace as his words circled in my brain. Was that really all I needed?

"No what I really need is for the twitter account and the picture to be gone for ever." I confess. Westly thinks for a moment.

"Yeah that too, but I might know a guy.
He's great at hacking and I'm sure he can figure out who owns the original picture. But unfortunately he can't track down everybody who has it. He can find out who made the account though." Westly informs me. I've stopped walking entirely. I knew I might not ever get rid of the picture, but if this guy could take down the account....That's not something I could walk away from.

"I'm listening." I played it coy, I didn't want Westly to know just how much I wanted that. I still didn't know what he wanted in return. Let's face it, he's not doing this out of the kindness of his heart.

"If I can get the account taken down and the pictures flagged as inappropriate child pornography what would you do for me?" He questioned. Maybe he was expecting me to say anything, and apart of me wanted too. The other part of me has been through so much lately that she couldn't just openly trust somebody.

"Depends on what you want." I narrow my eyes at him. Sizing him up. He's zeroed in on me as well. I held my breath.

"In exchange for my help, I need your help as well. Consider it like a quick pro quo." I was familiar with the saying. Scratch my back I'll scratch yours. He's looking to make a deal; but why with me? What could I give him that nobody else could?

"What is it you're after Wes?" I interrogated him. He merely just smirked.

"If you want my time, I need yours. My mother is...particular... about the girls I bring home. I think she would approve of you." Westly informed me. Wait, wait, wait. He wants me to meet his mother? For what?

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