Big bang.

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A week, it's been a week since I have "passed". I think I like to say I have passed on than just saying I died. It's been strange not talking to my mom or giving my dad a hug.

Don't get me wrong though I've tried. You see here I can go visit earth but of course as a ghost. Which is what they say I really am though I have always been scared of ghosts so I am not a ghost just for the record. Anyway as I was saying I have tried so many times. I go to give my parents a hug or do anything really. Then I have to realize that they can't see me, I am still invisible to them and forever will be.

I never really believed in ghosts before this happened. I don't even know if I believe in ghosts now. I don't see myself as ghost, more of a spirit that hasn't passed on yet. I'm stuck between the living and the dead, purgatory

I don't really know what I'm doing here, Acacia and I are just stuck. I haven't done what I'm supposed to do, I don't even really know what that is yet. I keep asking the Protecters every time they told me that I have a greater purpose here.

That I'm planned to stay here, I'm now tethered to this place. I don't know when I'll ever leave or if I will leave, I just want to leave. They told me that if I try to leave or if anyone tries to leave the whole balance will collapse.

I don't know what it means "the whole balance will collapse" thing, I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing. I don't want to be stuck here anymore. Though what if I get stuck in another place, worse than this one. I just want to leave and be alive again.

I want to be free, to live and grow old. However the reality is much worse, I am just plain dead. Dead people just don't come alive again, we don't just suddenly reanimate like Frankenstein or "Frankenweenie". The last movie I saw before, well you know.

I used to hate those cheesy movies, the ones that have those unrealistic animals brought back to life or the ones with talking animals.

Though you never realize what your missing, until you never you can go back. I bought that movie for my sister to see it, she was so excited. She had been waiting for it, she insisted that it looked amazing. I actually ignored the movie the whole time and texted.

That was a week before the fire. I want to blame it on the fire but the fire didn't kill us that driver killed us.

After I met Athan, I went to my parent's house. My mom was sobbing over a old picture of Acacia and I, my dad was in the living room, drinking. I went up to my old room, it looked nothing like I remember. I am pretty sure the door hasn't been open In years.

It looked like it hadn't been touched since the fire. Everything was still burnt, my sky blue curtains were ashes. My old bed was just a pile of blackened firewood and my desk was in pieces laying on the floor.

There was no personal items that I had. I wasn't one to keep much. I had a few pictures, a couple posters etc. Though I had one thing, a stuffed owl.

I got it when I was three, I loved that owl or Snow Cone as I called him. Snow cone was bought for me by my father on my birthday while we were at the zoo. I meant a lot to me but now it doesn't even look like an owl. It's a pile of feathers and one eye. Before I would have cried but now what is the point.

Remember when Amity was trying to explain time earlier well it has been a couple day. So that means I'm officially twenty, back home this would have been a huge celebration. Do you what I get here? I get nothing just a longer visit down to earth.

I never spoke another language or learned how to, though here I can understand Latin. They told me that In a past life I was one of the first to learn Latin.

So that means my soul has been resurrected. I don't know who I was, though now I get flashbacks.

Some memories are at a convent for nuns. A couple are placed at a church. Many flashbacks are in a field with scattered crosses. Lets just say in past lives I used to be very religious, well not in the life.


"Onyx, Are you even listening to me?" Acacia huffs while snapping her tiny fingers In front of my bored face.

"No. I'm sor-" I was cut off by Big Bang.

A scream was heard in the distance, our heads snapped to the direction of the scream. Another scream was heard in another direction.

Then it stopped for a spilt second, until hundreds of screams were piercing into my ears.

"What's happening?!" I scream to no one in particular.

No one answers, the screams continue. It's loud I can't tell one person's scream from another, it's just a chorus of ear shattering extensive shrieks.

All of a sudden one scream stands out to me than the rest, Acacia. I turn quickly to where she is to see her floating in the air. She looks like she is being pulled by invisible force, she is holding on to a tree. Wind blowing everywhere. It looks like she can't hold on much longer.

"ACACIA!" I yell. Tears pouring down my eyes, I can barely see through the salty water flowing down my eyes.

I run to her and grab her shaking hand to attempt pull her down. Her hand clamps into mine with no intention of letting go anytime soon.

"Help!" Two new voice's scream.

I look towards the voice's to see two boys around my age. They look frightened, I grab one of their shaking hand, he grabs the other ones hand. They are being pulled to the sky like Acacia.

I try to pull them down, I've almost succeeded when I was pulled up to the sky just to our luck they all come with me.

I'm almost to the top of the tree when I black out. Darkness fills my eyes, I fall into a deep sleep.


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