Life And Death

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"Mom! It's fine I put it out. It was a small fire I'm fine." I say into the phone.

"Okay. I'm still at work. I won't be there till later. Take care of your sister."

"Mom. She's twelve. I don't think we need to be babying her. She can totally take care of herself. "

"I know, but she's my last baby. You know I'm always going to be a protective. You are seventeen and you are also her older sister. "

"Mom, she doesn't need to be protected. I gotta go, I'm so tired."

"Okay, Darling. I love you."

"Yeah, Yeah. Love you too, Bye." I end the call.

I don't know it but that will be the last time I will talk to my mom. The last time I will hear her voice saying she loves me.

You are probably wondering why I won't talk to her again. Right?

No I didn't run away and she didn't go into a coma or anything. Nothing really bad.

The only thing I can really tell you right now is two words. Two little words.

I died.


"Wake up!!" My younger sister yelled desperately trying to wake me up.

She continues shaking me. She stops finally it grows quiet. Then a slap echoed through my bedroom.

"Did you just slap me?" I ask in a groggy state.

What do you expect me to wake up all cheery and happy?

"Yes, get up. We have to get out there's a fire!!" My sister shouts running out.

"What?" I yell.

I jump up and follow her. She runs to her room. We're standing there when the flames consume the room.

The curtains are just ashes. The bed can no longer be recognized as a bed.

We run out but get trapped in the kitchen as the fire licks our legs leaving burns in the process. We scream out in pain I grab my sisters hand. My sister is getting the most pain. She has shorts while I have jeans on.

I pick up my frail sister and run to the garage. Luckily the fire hasn't reached here yet. I run out the open garage door.

We run out to see dozens of people. Neighbors crying, police blocking the people and the firefighters trying to tame the flames. I run to the nearest officer.

"My sister, please help us. It's hurts..." I cry out.

I set her down before fainting. I saved my sister but injured myself even more.

"Help! Ambulance!" A hard voice shouts.

"No, My baby!" I recognize my mother's voice.

"My baby girls! Let me through!" My dad shouts. You can clearly hear his voice is weak and broken.

"It will be fine. Relax." A soft melodious voice whisper in my ear. Putting me at ease almost instantly. I relax into someone's arms.

I was struggling that I didn't even notice someone picking me up.


I woke up with a slight. headache. I force my eyes open. The bright lights temporarily blind me before I can adjust.

I look around to see that I'm in a ambulance. At least I think. I have never been in one. If you don't count television.

"Where am I? Where is my sister? Is she okay?" I call out frantically.

A small hand takes hold of my slightly larger hand and squeezes.

"Hey. I'm fine, sis. Glad to know your worried about me." I can practically hear her smirk. That's how well I know my sister.

"I was worried I lost you."

"You did and so did I."

"What are you talking about?"

"You died and so did I."


She couldn't be serious. Did they give her pain medication. Maybe she is a loopy from that, at least I hope.

"Onyx. She is correct." The same sweet soft voice from earlier says.

"I'm dead?"

"I'm sorry. You are."


"You were fine, you went into the ambulance. They were driving when a driver crashed into the ambulance. You and your sister flipped over. Your sister was impaled by the axe that was hanging on the wall. You were thrown out of the ambulance and fell right into traffic. You were hit many times. Luckily you were dead when your head hit the concrete. You didn't feel any pain."

"My name is not Onyx." I state.

"Sis? That's all the only thing you can think about? We died. You died. I died. Do you not understand we are NOT LIVING?!" My sister yelled.

The scene changed we are no longer in the ambulance. We are now at the morgue.

"No. Onyx is not your name. It's part of the new identity we will assign to you after you are reincarnated. Every one has a new name. We don't let anyone go by their old name. We make sure of it, you shouldn't be able to remember your name, nobody should ." The mystery lady speaks. I didn't even notice that she came along.

"What is your new name, sis?"

"Acacia and I know you are stalling."

"Why would I be doing that?"

"I know you too well. You are probably wondering how long you have been dead right?"

"Sometimes you freak me out."

"Onyx, time is strange here. You have been here for a couple hours however every day you spend here is a year on earth. We don't know why. " The mystery lady.

"Can you please tell me your name?"

"My name is Amity. I'm one of the three protecters of purgatory. We are the keepers of Rebirth, Life and Resurrection. I'm the protecter of Life. My sister, Myisha is the protecter of Resurrection. My brother, Athan is the protecter of Rebirth. There they are." She finishes to point.

We are no longer at the morgue but at a beach. How do they do that?

You did that dear Onyx. Your feelings travel you to where your heart lays. Acacia and Amity don't see the same thing you do. Their's is different unless you both choose.

Who are you and why are you in my head?

I am Mali your guardian. Everyone when they die are given a guardian, me. I will be with you until you reach your new host only then can you finally see my true form. Now I need you to be friends with the protecters and to do that you need to actually listen. So snap out of it.

Sorry Mali.

I look up to see bright golden eyes staring into mine.

"Onyx?" The golden god standing In front of me said.

"Yes, Golden God?" I say dreamily.

My sister tries to cover up a laugh but fails miserably.

"Did I say that our loud?"

She simply nods.

"Hello Onyx. I am Athan. The protecter of Rebirth, it's wonderful to meet you.... again."

I just called an actual god a god? This is so weird. Why did I have to die?


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