Hell broke lose.

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Athan lunged at Caeles and all hell broke lose. Caeles side stepped making Athan fall next to her, he grabbed her leg pulling her down. She snatched his wrist and twisted, breaking it.

He cried out and punched her in the stomach, making her groan and fall to her knees. She pulled him down and repeatedly punched him in the chest. He pried her hands off him and kicked her off him then jumped to his feet.

She jumped onto his back scratching at his eyes, it was a painful thing to watch but nobody moved or uttered a sound.

"Please stop." Acacia whispers, staring directly at Athan.

He didn't listen though he kept trying to throw Caeles off his back. He got caught off balance and started falling near Acacia, he accidentally brought his hand down and punched Acacia in the Face, she screams and faints.

Athan took no notice to this and still kept punching Acacia thinking it was Caeles. I screamed stop, an unknown rage coursed through my veins giving me unnatural energy.

I tried to fight this feeling but it was too strong. The bad thing is that I liked this new power, that's not the right word I'm craving more.

Don't fight it, embrace it. Stop Athan.

I screamed but not like I usually scream this one was loud and ear shattering, it was beautifully horrifying. It made them all stop and fall to their knees holding there ears, crying. All except Acacia because somewhere in that time she passed out.

"Make it stop." Athan shouts.

"It hurts." Myisha whimpers.

"Please." Amity cries.

"AHHHH." Caeles screams.

Close your eyes.


Trust me.

Aye Aye Cap'n.

I close my eyes and they get really heavy before I pass out.

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