Red Eyes

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Above is a picture of Elexis.


"What eye color?" Leom asked.

"I don't care," Aurelia said. "All I want is for her to have a wonderful life. I would settle for just green or purple or blue.

"You know how her life depends on her eye color," Leom said.

"I don't care," Aurelia said. "I don't care if she gets red."

That was more of a lie than the truth. Aurelia wished with all her heart that her child wasn't red-eyed. 

"I want GOLD." Leom declared.

"You know there's no way. There hasn't been a golden one in 100 years." 

Leom's eyes narrowed.

"She WILL have GOLD." Leom cried. Aurelia sighed. She loved her husband, but sometimes he wanted too much.

Finally, the beautiful baby girl opened her eyes, and her parents gasped.

Leom felt a burst of hate.

All aimed at the baby girl.


Elexis woke to soldiers yelling. It was like her alarm clock. 

Elexis groaned and forced herself to open her scarlet eyes and out of bed. 

Then everything came racing to her. 

She felt tears coming to her eyes, but she had trained them for a long time to not let them cry. 

Elexis turned to Sarah, and the sight of Sarah broke her heart even more then what was about to come. 


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Sarah's ruby eyes were redder from crying. She looked more defeated then Elexis had ever seen her.

Sarah looked up, her face filled with heartbreak.

Without warning, she ran to Elexis and wrapped her arms around Elexis.

"Elexis.." Elexis held the tears and tried to make her face as emotionless as possible, but her body betrayed her.

Sarah pressed something into Elexis's hand.

"I have the other piece" she whispered. Elexis' eyes widened.

"What-" Sarah's eyed filled with sadness. A soldier threw open the doors and yelled, "Hurry up, girl!" Sarah looked at Elexis, her face intense.

"You truly deserve a name that means defender," she whispered.

"It's over know." Elexis breathed, barely believing it. "I will always remember you." 

And just like that, Sarah was gone.

All because of the color of Elexis' and Sarah's eyes.

The fate of a red-eyed child.

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