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Elexis stared at her mother. 

The woman she had hated. Who had abused her and hated her and destroyed her. 

Ther other girl was her sister..

Elexis remembered.

"Girl!" Elexis' mother screamed. "Go rock Claire!" 

Elexis ran to the nursery, where little Claire was. She was only 3 then, Elexis had been 4.

Elexis rocked the crib, jently, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...

"GIRL!!!!" Elexis' mother yelled. Elexis woke from her sleep to Claire crying and her mother screaming.

Her mother grabbed a long, black whip. It struck against Elexis' back. Elexis screamed and sobbed.

"Please... no! I won't do it again!"

That night, Elexis had been locked in a small box with no food or water for three days. 

Elexis' gaze hardened as she looked at Claire. 

"Come, Girl," Elexis' mother ordered. Elexis didn't move.

"MOVE, YOU USELESS LUMP!!" Elexis' father screamed. Claire shot Elexis a look.

Move. I'm sorry, but it's best for you

Elexis was surprised. Why would her sister want to help her?

Elexis moved.

Elexis followed her parents and sister to a car.

"Get in the trunk," Her father commanded.

Elexis stuffed herself in the trunk of the car.

Finally they arrived at a large mansion.


Elexis raced to her sister's room. 

"Miss. Claire," She said. She placed a tray with her breakfast on the bed.

Claire smiled. Her golden eyes sparkled.

"Thank you, Elexis,"

Elexis nodded and smiled.

"Anything else, Miss. Claire?" Elexis asked. It felt strange to call a girl younger then her "Miss." 

"Actually, I would like you to help me get ready for the day," Claire said. "Would you?"

"Yes, Of course, Miss. Claire," Elexis Said, a little stunned. Would you? A request, not a order?

"What do you think I should wear?" Claire asked, gazing at her huge closet.

"Hmm..." Elexis Said thoughtfully. "Maybe this," Elexis handed Claire a nice gray shirt lined with silver and with pearls making a star. Then she gave her a pair of jeans. Claire nodded


After helping Claire dress, Elexis Said:

"Anything else?"

"I would like to talk with you," Claire said. Elexis' eyes widened. 

"Oh," Elexis Said. "What is it?"

Claire turned to Elexis. Her golden eyes blazed.

"Elexis," Claire said quietly. "Are you my sister?"

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