Not what they wanted

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Azami sighed as a maid took her to the living room.

Lounging on plush couches was a man, woman, and boy.

The man had raven black beard and hair, and crystal eyes that shimmered blue and white. He wore a fancy suit, and his eyes were filled with pride about himself. He carried himself as if he was a god, perfect and wonderful.

The woman had long curls of golden hair and crystal eyes. She wore a long, shiny white dress. Makeup filled her face. She was beautiful, but her eyes glittered with disdain and evil. Something dark lurked there.

The boy had beautiful curls of red, and eyes a lovely shade of silver. His eyes were cold as ice. 

Her mother's face scrunched up as if something smelled terrible in the room. "So, your back, green eyes," She taunted. Azami raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, I suppose," Azami Said. 

"Go to your room," Azami's mother ordered.

"Why should I do what you tell me?" Azami Asked coolly. Her mother's face turned red.

"JUST DO WHAT SHE TELLS YOU!" Screamed Azami's Father. Azami rolled her eyes.

Azami had never been treated like a maid or anything, but there were worse ways to be treated unfairly. 

Her parents had simply been cold to her. Very cold. They made it knowable that they hated Azami but loved her brother, Alastor, more.

That was terrible, more terrible than anything.

It would turn her body to nothing, sucking her up, devouring her, until nothing was left. 


Azami sighed as she walked through the house. She grabbed a cold piece of toast left out for her.

She sighed even more heavily as she stared outside. Like every other visit, she was not allowed to go outside.

How Azami whished to run through grassy fields! How she wanted to laugh and run and sprint!

How she wanted to feel that freedom.

Finally, she couldn't stand it. 

Azami grabbed her bag full of her stuff.

"I'm leaving," She called.

"Thank goodness," Alastor Said."Your presence was endangering the house,"

Azami wanted to roll her eyes. She wanted to feel annoyed. 

But she didn't. 

All she felt was sadness, drowning her in a river.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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