Green Eyes

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Aurelia smiled at her daughter. 

"She is the most beautiful child I have ever seen!" She Cried. Leom, her husband, smiled next to her.

"She is beautiful."

"She must have bronze eyes, of maybe silver," Aurelia said. 

"Yes," Leom Said. "She must have them,"

"Maybe pink eyes would be nice too," Aurelia said.

Leom smiled but he was panicking. What if his child had neutral eyes? Like brown or black? What if she had red eyes? What if she had purple or blue or green eyes? 

Then the baby girl opened her eyes and laughed. Aurelia  gasped at the sight of her daughter's eyes as she started to sob and scream. Next to her, Leom roared with rage.


Azami was running across the feild. Wind blew on her face. 

Her legs were sore but she kept on going. She ran faster and faster. Around her, the world was a blur.

Cheers fell through the crowd.

"Rose Middle! Rose Middle!" Some Cried, cheering for her school.

"Azami! Azami!" Others screamed, cheering for her.

Azami laughed as she went on and on. She ran faster and faster-

"Ms. Taylor?" Mrs. Hughes asked. Azami's head shot up. She awakened from her daydream.

"Yes?" She Asked.

"Pay attention in class, Taylor. This is your 2nd warning this week."

Azami blushed and stared down at her light green dress of the school uniform.

"Yes, Mrs. Hughes." Azami Said meekly.

Hughes sighed as she went on with today's Launguage Arts lesson.

Azami tried to concentrate about the story they were reading, Water Lilly, but couldn't.

Worries swirled in her mind, dreading and worrying.

Today was the day.

Today was the day she visited her parents.


Azami sighed as she stared at her reflected emerald eyes. 

They would forever be a reminder of the invisable chains that bound her.

Azami grudgingly got her bag. School wasn't that fun, but at least she could do what she wanted. She could run and play sports and nobody criticized her. She was respected as a amazing athlete and people liked her. 

Not at home.

She turned her pass over and over again.

She had to go.

Azami opened her dorm door and grabbed her black coat on the way out. She locked her dorm door and headed down the stairs.

She stopped by at the cafe. 

"One Vanilla Frappuccino please," She said. She handed the cashiers five notes and she gave Azami her drink.

Sipping it, Azami walked out the school doors. Kids swarmed around her, talking excitedly. They were all excited to visit their parents after a year.

Well, Azami wasn't excited. 


Azami approached the gates of her parent's mansion. Two soilders in front of the gates stopped her.

"Who are you and why are you here?" They demanded.

"I'm Azami Taylor and I'm here to visit my parents, Mason Taylor and Harper Taylor," Azami said. 

"Password?" The soilders Asked.

"Crystal Eyes," Azami Said biting her lip. The password as ment to make her feel bad about herself.

You don't even have crystal eyes, just plain green.

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