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The gates of the prison slowly opened. Elexis stood.

She looked back to the people who she had known her whole life. The people she had grown up with.

"Goodbye," she whispered. She could barely find her voice.

She rubbed the small wood pendent Sarah had given her before she had left.

Sarah had left yesterday. Now it was her turn.

She was 12.

The soidlers yelled at her to come foreward. 

She stepped foreward and out of the prison for the first time in 5 years.

The sunlight blinded her. She had never seen so much light in a long, long time. The only light in the prison had been the small lightbulbs and few windows. 

She stumbled and held her hands to her eyes. The soilder drew a long, whip.

"Hurry, Girl,"

Elexis was shoved into the back of a truck. Other people were gathered in. There were no windows.

Sweat, fear, and panic was mixed in this small, dark, place.

Finally, the truck stopped. A soilder opened the doors. 

"Come out, all of you,"

Everyone stepped out, and one by one, their hands were bound tightly with ropes. The rough rope cut into Elexis's skin.

Everyone was herded into a small, cramped room in the back of a large house. There was no windows or light. 

Elexis had not drunk water or eaten food all day, and her throat was dry and her belly empty, but she had gotten used to it.

One by one, the slaves were led out. One by one, to be sold.

Finally it was Elexis's turn.

A soilder shoved her to a platform where Elexis stood.

Voices cried out around her. Elexis didn't hear any of them.

I'm being sold, I'm being sold, I'm being sold.

It was happening after years of waiting and dreading.

Finally she was sold.

A soilder shoved her to a woman, man, and girl. 

The man had dark hair and violet  eyes full of greed. He wore a fancy suit and he walked and stood like he was the most important person on earth. 

The woman had long, dark brown hair and purple eyes that were beautiful indeed, but also cold and hateful. She wore a fancy dress that only the richest could afford. Her hair was long and curly and in a very fancy twist.

The girl had long, black hair and choppy bangs. She had eyes that made Elexis's heart stop.

They were gold.

So this was why they were together, unlike other eye colors where you would be separated from your family. 

She was the only person with gold eyes on earth.

Her eyes were warm and soft. She smiled a little at Elexis. Elexis was more surprised then she could put to words.

The woman and man eyed Elexis.

"She will do," the woman told the soilder. She handed him 5 gold coins. 

Then Elexis realized why they were so familiar.

The woman and man were her parents.

The Color Child (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now