"I really don't give a shit anymore,
Think what you think,
Believe what you want,
But just remember I cared when no one else did."
"Didn't give a fuck yesterday.
Don't give a fuck today.
And I probably won't give a fuck tomorrow either."
"Here's to the future
Because I'm done with the Past."
"You saved me,
In every way one person can save another."
"It hurts me to look at little kids. They have no idea how hard this world is going to be for them. When I was five, I thought that no one could hurt me. I thought I was invincible. I thought I was beautiful. I was friends with whoever said hi to me. Everyone was nice. Clothes didn't matter. I'd go to sleep tear free. I never had to try to run away. I was always smiling. I didn't want to kill myself. Little kids don't know what a roller coaster they are in for. Life is hard. The world is a horrible,mean, judgmental place. I still don't understand why I wasn't so scared of all the dangers that are out in the world, at that age. I didn't know, it's not our fault that we're so scared of the world. People forced us to be. Telling us stories, about stuff that happens in the world, makes us scared. I wish I was still that carefree, happy, nice, smiley, funny little kid I used to be. I miss thinking I was pretty. I miss playing in the rain. I miss being outside every second of the day. I miss not caring what people say.
I miss the old me."
"She's so sick of never being beautiful enough.
Never being stronger, or better. She's sick of going home everyday, and wishing she was someone else. For once she wants to look in the mirror and be happy for what she sees back. She's so sick of everyone telling her 'you can do so much better than that.' Maybe she can't. And people talking behind her back, yeah well she found out. She's sick of people bringing her down and telling her she isn't good enough. But I guess all she really wants,is to be more than second best..."
"Actually, I just woke up one day and decided I didn't want to feel like that anymore, or ever again.so I changed.
Just like that."
"Do you wanna know who your true friends are?
And see who's still there."
Teen Posts/Quotes
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