I Miss You

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Braylin's POV

Shawn, Ella, Matt, and I have been back at Jenn's in LA for a week since the trip to Canada for the concert.

I only have 1 more week until i get to go back to North Carolina, Shawn goes back to Canada, Ella goes back to Michigan and Matt goes back to Virginia. I'm personally really excited. I miss Cameron so much its crazy. It may sound cliché but its hard to be away from someone for a month.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing in my pocket. It was a text from Cameron.

It read 'Nash and i have news. I'm not sure if you will be excited or not, but we have news.'

I decided to just call him.

"Hello?" He said, muffled through the phone.

"Hey babe. Sooo..." I wandered off.

"The news?"

"Yeah please."

"Okay, well Nash and I got a very big job offered to us." He told me.

"Really?! What is it?" I asked excitedly.

"Awesomeness TV want us to Produce for them." He replied all hype.

"No way! You guys have to take it! Its a great job for you guys and it can help you lead into acting!" I told him.

"I know! We are, but that means we have to move all the way to LA."

"Well thats okay! I will still help pay, there are some really nice apartments available down the street from Jenn's actually! I can check them out and send photos while I'm still down here if you want" i explained. Shawn walked in looking at me curiously.

"That actually sounds great!"

"Alright, I'll go down there now, I'll talk to you later." I said.

"Alright babe, bye."

I hung up and told Ella to come with me after i explained it to Shawn.

Once Ella and I arrived at the "for sale" apartments a few blocks down, we picked up our penny boards and walked inside for the open house.

It was a decent size for the two of them. I was actually thinking about moving back in with Jenn. I mean, i miss having girl time with her. I am a tomboy, i mean, I'm sporty, not always neat, not glamorous. I fit in with the guys. But... i miss Jenn. I already spoke to Jenn and Ella about it. They understand.

Anyway, the place had 2 bedrooms, and 1 bathroom. I took photos of the rooms then we left.

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