This is not goodbye

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We were ready when the bushes parted and a deep, modulated voice spoke.

"You kids okay?"

Avy and Jam tumbled out with a happy shriek, myself scrambling to get out as fast as I could.

Air. Light. Warmth.

I nearly tripped and would have gone sprawling were it not for a supporting hand on my arm.

"Thanks," I croaked, then noticed the hand on my arm was covered with white armor. It was a stormtrooper. He was eyeing me just as intently as I him. I looked at his number- TF-3997-


"You're that prisoner from the block!" He exclaimed, his voice sounding funny from behind his helmet. I brushed off my pants and shifted Pico on my arm.

"Yes I am," I lifted my chin, feeling a bit defensive.

"You're being held a hero at the village," the stormtrooper removed his helmet, revealing a shockingly young face framed by blond hair and the greenest eyes I had ever seen. He couldn't be much older than me. He smiled at me, and I lost my ability to speak.

Dang it! Why were all the cute guys in Star Wars?

"Come on," he encouraged, holding out a hand to Avy and Jam. "Let's go find your parents, kiddos."

We walked back to the village, and I felt a bit choked up as I saw the damage. It was horrid what just a few minutes of battle could do to a planet. Hundreds of trees were smoldering, and many of the village houses had been destroyed. But from the smiles on the villagers faces, you wouldn't have ever guessed they had just lost so much. They even had music going. It reminded me a little of the end of Return of the Jedi.

"Children!" A woman shrieked as she broke from the crowd at our approach.

"Mommy!" Avy and Jam went barreling towards her. Okay, yeah, those were tears in my eyes. The woman hugged her children fiercely and looked up as I stopped before her.

"Thank you, dear one," The woman took Pico from my arms before wrapping me in a tight hug. "How can I ever repay you?"

"It's okay," I smiled, patting Avy's head. "Your kids were very brave." The woman smiled at me before she whisked her children away, Avy and Jam turning back to wave at me. I waved back, then sighed.

"Rey is looking for you," the stormtrooper spoke from beside me. I turned to him and nodded. "I'm Carl, by the way."

"I wondered if you had a name," I said shyly, accepting his offered hand. "Kenna."

"I know," his eyes twinkled.

I blushed.

"Rey's this way," he motioned towards the edge of the crowd, and I nodded and hurried in that direction.

I searched the crowd, saying excuse me over and over, and then saw the smiling faces gathered around the two people who were-


Rey and Kylo were kissing.

An on the lips, no reserve, very passionate kiss.




"Oh my god!" I screamed. Rey and Kylo broke apart, looking at me with wide eyes. I fell to my knees. "No-o!" I wailed at the sky. "I missed it!"

"Kenna!" Rey hurried over to me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I moaned. "No one will ever, ever believe me though."

Rey and Kylo exchanged glances.

"Nevermind." I clambered to my feet and hugged Rey. "Oh I'm so glad you guys are okay."

"You aren't hurt?" Rey pushed me back to look me over with concern. I shook my head.

"Just- extremely exhausted," I groaned.

"You're a hero, you know," Kylo piped up from behind us. He put a hand on Rey's shoulder and looked evenly at me. "You saved those kids."

"Yeah, but...well, I did shoot three droids," I grinned slowly. "Yeah, I feel pretty heroic."

Rey laughed, then her face turned serious.

"I guess you'll be leaving now?" She asked.

I raised an eyebrow. Rey motioned to my pocket, and I looked down.

I gasped at the red glow coming from the pocket. I hastily pulled out the button, and sure enough, the button glowed a bright red, just like when I had first received it.

Suddenly, I didn't want to go.

I felt a lump rising in my throat as I looked up at Rey and Kylo. They stared at me, Rey putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I'll miss you, Kenna." She pulled me into another hug, and I felt a couple tears squeeze out of my eyes. "Come back when you can, okay?" Rey pushed back and looked me in the eye, and I could see her own hazel eyes brimming with tears. "This galaxy will always welcome you."

I nodded, to choked up to speak as I turned to Kylo. He stared back at me.

"Oh give her a hug you oaf," Rey gave him a push.

"You did good, kiddo," Kylo rumbled, awkwardly patting my back as I gave him a hug. "I have something for you." I looked down in puzzlement as he pressed something into my hands.

It was a pack of cookies.

I grinned.

"Thanks Ky-Ben."

He didn't quite smile back, but his eyes twinkled. I stepped away and reached into my pocket.

"Hey, Rey?" I pulled the carefully folded paper from my pocket and handed it to her. "This is for you and Ben."

Rey wiped her eyes and unfolded the paper. She gasped softly, seeing there the picture I had drawn. It was a sketch of Ach-To, with her and Kylo standing side-by-side, looking into the horizon.

"I...this is beautiful," Rey hugged me once more. "I'll treasure it forever."

I nodded and moved towards a small knoll away from the village, where I could see everything. There, way up in the sky, was the star destroyer that had been my strange home for a few days. Around me were the beautiful Sidol trees, their leaves blowing gently in the warm breeze. The sounds of laughter and singing rang out from the village as the people gathered around to watch me. There was Avy and Jam and Pico with their parents, waving at me with smiles. There was Aadya, giving me a big thumbs up, and R2-D2 beside her. I blushed again as I saw Carl. He gave me a nod and a salute before shooting me a wink.

And there were Rey and Kylo, standing together, Kylo's arm around Rey as they waved at me. I took a deep breath and looked down at my red button.

"Kenna!" I looked up at the call. Rey was grinning widely.

"Don't you dare-" Kylo shouted. Rey darted out of his grasp and took off on a run, Kylo in close pursuit.

"Her name is Patty!" Rey yelled with a laugh.

I grinned.

Patty. Somehow it suited the ship.

I took one last look about me before closing my eyes. The button was glowing bright, seeming to vibrate with anticipation in my hands. I took a deep breath...then pressed down.

A flash of light.

A rustle of pages.

I felt a breeze rushing past me. Thunder clapped above my head, and I cried out in alarm.


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