Meeting everyone.

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4 days later....

Rose's pov.

I woke up on a table, wrapped in bandages, I hissed in pain as my thigh burned from a wound I had from the alley. I sniffed the air. Why the hell was I in a sewer?

Then I spotted a girl near me, she looked older than me, maybe 25 years old? She has fire orange-like hair colored hair, tan skin, but I couldn't see her eye color as she slept on a couch next to the table.

I looked around and heard no noises. So I put my feet on the floor and walked out of the room with lots of tech. I looked for the exit and froze when someone cleared their throat.

"Where are you going?"A female's voice asked. I turned to see the older girl and nervously waved.

"U...uh...h...hi!"I squeaked. She chuckles and her blue eyes met mine. I quickly looked down so she couldn't see the color, it was scary to the children, and my parents. They always argued on getting rid of me too.

"Why are you avoiding eye contact?"She smiled, I saw her perfect teeth out of the corner of my eye.

"I...was born with.....eyes with a strange color...."I replied. I pulled out a mask from my pocket and put it around my neck to cover my nose and mouth. I even grabbed two colored contacts of normal blue eyes. I put them in as the girl watched.

"Why do you hate the color of your own eyes?"She asked.

"Many think its strange parents...fight over it...they want a divorce and leave me at my uncle's home...Oroku Saki. I heard he was strict and mean so I never wanted to go. Yet I found it strange out my parents don't look like me at all. I guess my eyes were normal if they adopted me? I don't know."I replied, looking at her. Her mouth was wide, she shook in rage.

"Are...are you ok?"I asked.

"That man, isn't who you think he is, He's the Shredder, the one who wants to destroy us, and kill me and my friends. You won't go to him, i'll make sure of it."She hissed. I ran over and hugged her.

"I remember you now, you're April O'Neil, you help the vigilante's correct?"I smiled up at her, causing her expression to soften.

"Yes, and you are Rose Thorne correct?"She smiled.

"Y...yes! How did you know!"I gasped.

"My friend found your file, I hope you....don't mind..."She said quietly. I sighed and nodded.

"I am a little mad that I wasn't asked, yet, I was in a coma, but you could have waited till I woke up and then ask me."I said softly. 

"I'm sorry, but we kinda wanted to know about you so you'll feel at home."She sighed. I smiled.

"Your mind is in the right place April O'Neil."I smiled.

"April, just call me April."She chuckled before she heard something and looked down a large hallway.

"Boys, I know you are there, no need to eavesdrop."April said sternly. First a human boy with a hockey mask on stepped forward. 4  forms stayed in the dark.

"Sorry April, and Rose."He apologized. I chuckled. He had a skull painted on his entire face.. a black haired guy with some eye color I couldn't study.

"Hello, I'm Jones, Casey Jones."He smiled and held out his hand. I shook it before a mutant rat walked out in a fancy, yet dirty robe.

"Master Splinter."April bowed, Casey did as well. 

"April, Jones, my sons, allow me to speak with young Rose."He commanded, he wasn't asking. They nodded and I saw the 4 shadows disappear. 

"Miss Thorne, come with me."He sighed, stroking his beard. I nodded and gulped slightly before entering a dojo. I smiled, it was kinda what I made in my smaller dojo in an abandoned warehouse.

Raph and Rose (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now