Her choice.....

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Raph's pov.

Months went by and Rose was getting better at her training,  Soon it was time for the attack on Shredder. But I locked Rose in her room.

"RAPH LET ME OUT!"Rose yelled angrily as she punched the door. My brothers and I quickly left. I had to protect her at any cost.

Leo's pov.

I was somewhat relieved that Raph locked Rose in her room, we didn't want the vision or dream to come true. We were all worried that she'll eventually break out of her room, so we must be quick to defeat the Shredder before she comes.

Donnie's pov.

I was worried if Rose came after us that her memories would return and she'd remember her choice. We will NOT let her remember, we just CAN'T.

Rose's pov.

I was furious that they locked me in my own room. I kept punching it before grabbing a hairpin from my hair and unlocking it. I stuck it back in my hair and raced towards the exit.

"Rose, where might you be going?"I heard Splinter's voice ask me sternly.

"M...Master Splinter! I...I need to help them!"I exclaimed as I turned around.

"Very well, but please, make the right decision, Raph's life lays in your hands, my dear." I nodded slightly, biting my lip at why he told me that. 

I shook myself out of my thoughts and ran towards the lair, I heard the fighting going on and I rushed inside with my own weapons and powers. I fought until I was grabbed from behind. The turtles unaware I was here.

"Watch him die.."I heard Shredder's voice whispered into my ear. Memories flooded back as he raised the gun filled with mutagen, and the Footsoldier ran at Raph with its sword.

"RAPH!"I screamed. I ripped from Shredder's grasp as Raph looked at me in horror. He killed the robot that about hit him and I jumped in front of him when Shredder pulled the trigger, the mutagen hitting my chest. I fell to the ground, the pain was so intense I couldn't scream in pain, I was....frozen in place. Raph grew upset and angry and destroyed anything in his way as he made his way over to me. He cradled my head as my eyes looked up at him.

"Raph..."I gasped as the pain of my body grew numb. I felt myself shifting and turning, as well as growing.

"R...Rose?"He said sadly. I smiled up at him.

"I love you Raph...I really do...will you wait for me to wake up?"I asked as he smiled sadly down at me. Tears evident as they ran down his face.

"Y...yeah...I promise Rose..."He whispered I smiled from the exhaustion. I clutched him tightly as he picked me picked me up gently. His brothers saw me and were saddened I had escaped from my room.

"Guys, I had to help you all, can you promise me too that you'll wait for me to wake up?"I asked. They all smiled at me sadly and nodded.

"We all promise, "Leo responded, I nodded and yawned, cuddling up against Raph's chest and falling asleep as my transformation continued...

Leo's pov.

We waited until Rose woke up, for now, her body was changing slowly to a turtle like us. She started getting green skin which caused us to worry, then she grew the shell which shocked us all, and we knew that the last time she touched something was one of us, Shredder was human, which didn't work oddly.

Soon she had three fingers and two toes. Her hair disappeared which Raph won't like, I always did hear him that he liked her silver hair. Soon we left Raph alone with Rose to watch over her. To let them have their moment when she wakes up.

Rose's pov.

I woke up to a blinding light above me, I groaned and quickly shut my eyes against the pain of the bright light. I heard someone shifting and I heard his voice.

"R...Rose?"I heard Raph rasp, it was clear that he was very tired. I turned my head to my right and opened an eye.

"Raph the lights hurt my eyes."I pouted. I heard him chuckle and I felt his strong arms wrap around me. I smiled softly.

"Don't you ever do that again."He said sternly, I giggled slightly, only causing him to hug me tighter.

"Raph, I'm ok."I sighed before opening my eyes and not looking at the light, making sure I would get used to the light.

"Raph....why am I green...."I asked. He only chuckled. I sat up and my back felt strangely heavy. I looked to find a small shell and my eyes widened.

"Crap...NOW I remember."I chuckled softly before hugging Raph tightly in return.

"I'm sorry Raph...I just didn't want anything to happen to you and the others."I said sadly. He sighed heavily.

"It's....ok.....I kinda wished you weren't there, then this never would have happened to you."His eyes were watery and I whipped the tears away.

"Raph, it was going to happen anyway, you know I'm too stubborn."I smiled, he smiled in return.

"Well, help me off the table?"I pouted. He only chuckled before helping me onto my wobbly feet. I clutched his arm for support as he slowly helped me walk.

"Guys, she's awake, "Raph called, I was soon rushed at, but Raph helped me dodge them all by pulling me to the side. We both laughed at his brothers.

"Sorry."They mumbled before standing me and giving me a gentle hug.

"Still not used to being a turtle yet."I giggled slightly. They only smiled.

"PIZZA TIME, "Mikey screamed as the oven timer dinged. We laughed as he ran into the kitchen.

When we ate I trained with Raph alone. He was taking it easy on me and I hated it, I had gotten used to my new form so far.

"Raph come on!I'm not a baby! Hit harder!"I pouted, he smirked and he gave in. We fought for a while before he had me pinned me to the wall, his sai's on both sides of my head. He looked at me and smiled widely. I gave him an evil smirk and kissed him, his eyes were wide before I closed mine, and he soon melted into it. Then I pulled away and pinned him to the ground.

"Never get distracted with your opponent, Raphie, "I smirked as he pouted. My smirk only grew wider.

This was going to be one crazy life. But I'm willing to go through it, with my Raphael.

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