Family Reunion pt.2

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The hurt in his eyes made me feel like a monster. I loved this man like no other but sulking in sorrow wasn't gonna be our way of getting the girls' backs. I have to get on Adam's good side. Make it seem like I hate Logan. As if I want nothing else to do with him.
As Claire lead us upstairs. Silence consumed all around. My heart beating nearly out of my chest. She opened the door and lead us to the living room. When we walked in there we saw the girls and they immediately ran up to us. Seeing them made me happy.

"Omg girls." I scooped up Luna immediately and irrupted into tears. Its moments like this you're happy your child doesn't know current things and that they're blind from seeing the true evil of the world. I looked over at Logan as he plastered a smile on his face. No matter his true and deep feeling he would never dare to think about letting the girls see how bad he truly felt. He always said 'I wanna be that one strong link from keeping this family from falling apart.'
As we sit there happy ignore any and everything around us we get interrupted by...


Adam. The monster responsible for everything going on right now. The person tearing my life, my family, my heart into pieces right before my eyes. "Well look what we have here." He said clapping his hands. He walked down the stairs and over to Jordynn offering his hand. He was really trying to get under my skin and he was very well succeeding. As I continued to watch she took his hand and stood up. She looked over me and smiled to turn her attention back to him. Was she serious? Was she really giving up that easy?

"Are you kidding me? Like really Jordynn?" I yelled standing up.

She rolled her eyes and look me dead in my eyes. "Look, Logan, what we had was a fling and I enjoyed it and all but I'm where I'm supposed to be and you need to respect that." "Now if you can excuse me, I have a bath awaiting me."

 She turns and begins to walk upstairs to I'm guessing a bathroom. I notice Adam staring at her back side and smirking "I'll be up in a while my love."

"Ladies take the girls into another room, I must have a word with my cousin." 

They ofcourse did what he said like little brainless minions. When they disappear I turn my attention back to Adam. "Are you happy with yourself?" He continues to walk to the kitchen and shrugs his shoulders. "Not really, just a little bit."

"You are one sick bastard." I got up and followed him to the kitchen. "You have just completely lost your fucking mind."

He turns to look at me with his hand dramatically on his chest. "Ouch. We're family Logan why so harsh?" "Vodka?"

Was he kidding me this asshole thinks this is harsh!? Does he not remember ruining my peaceful life at home just because he couldn't have his way. Or when he shot me just to get Jordynn back. And who the fuck drinks vodka at a moment like this?

"No I don't want no damn vodka. I want my family back. And I want you buried six feet under where your sick ass belong."

He sat on the couch taking a swig of his drink. "Oh come on Logan. Are you deaf or are you just plain dumb? Jordynn my one and only love said she wants nothing to do with you."

"She didn't mean it!" I walked over to him knocking his drink out of his hand. He got up and jumped in my face. "She loves me, and the girls she's just scared and confused."

He erupts into laughter slapping his knee. "Yeah, and I'm the crazy obsessive one. Do you not hear the words coming out of your mouth Logan?"

"Now if you can excuse we gonna try working on a new member of the family." He thrust the air and begin walking away. "I would let you watch but thats weird."

As I was about to run at him I get blocked by Taylor and Alexa both holding guns. "Slow down pal." "Don't you miss having fun with us?"

I watched as my lunatic cousin made his way upstairs. Away from me. When he's supposed to be feeling my wrath. I want to feel a bone break and crack after every blow I send to him. But dumb and dumber had to ruin. I finally take my attention away from him and look at them both. 

"Look uh sluts I mean ladies. I don't have time for your games I just want to get my family and get the hell out of here."

I turned and to walk away and immediately regret it. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and fell down.

"I'm tired of your shit Logan we're tired of your shit," Taylor said pointing to her and Alexa. "But don't worry, we'll handle you."


I wish she would just shut the fuck up. I understand we have to listen to Adam crazy ass but this bitch is going overboard. We were currently in the truck heading deep in the woods with a knocked out Logan. Right now I wasn't focused on either one of their crazy asses I just wanted to avenge Claire and move on with my life.

 "Aren't you kind of tired of being Adam's minion?" 

She shrugged her shoulders and turned to look at me. "I mean it's better than nothing. Plus I get to ruin the life of the two low down scums who ruined mine."

"Taylor think about it, you won't win at all. Adam plans on killing Logan, marrying Jordynn and having a family. And what would we have?"

"Revenge Alexa, we would have revenge."

I shook my head and laughed "think again sweet cheeks. We will have to go down for all this mess. You're trying to go to jail to kill the man you loved, who doesn't love you back."

"I don't love his ass. Just wanted the money and the name."

"Woooow, so much better." I continued driving to our destination. Whatever happens, just has to happen. Especially in the hands if this bitch.


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