Part 21- Gone!

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Rose's POV

I was still in Joe and Caspar's house. Just then, the fire brigade came through.

"Hi are you Rose?" the man asked.

"Yeah" I said.

"Well do you want the good news or the bad news?" he asked.

"Just give me the good" I sighed. "There's likely not very much of it"

"Well, the good news is that none of the upstairs has been affected a part from the wall of the room above the kitchen" he said.

"That's fine. It's just my room" he said.

"But" he said. "The bad news is that the fire has really damaged your kitchen and some of your living room. Your kitchen is basically unusable"

"Great!" I sighed.

"After fires like this, we don't like people to be in that house for the night" he said. "In case the ceiling was to fall down or something. So we like to give it twenty four hours to make sure the structure is ok"

"I'll be fine there" I said.

"Rose, no you've gotta listen to them!" Joe said.

"Well it's the only place I have!" I said.

"You can stay in the spare room!" he said.

"I'll leave you's to it!" the man said and Caspar showed him out.

"Joe I can't have you do that!" I said.

"It's fine honestly!" he said.

Mason would freak if he found out! Then again, once him and my mum find out about the fire they're gonna freak even more!

"Fine!" I said. "Thanks!"

"No problem" he said.


Caspar had just left to go to his friends. Joe came back from getting us both a drink and sat across from me.

"Are you sure it's ok I can stay?" I asked. "It's ok you know. I don't have to"

"No, no it's fine!" he said, smiling.

I was just about to speak, but was interrupted with the sound of my phone ringing.

"Um, I should get that" I said.

I looked at my phone to see it was an unknown number.

Should I answer it? It could just be someone selling something.

But it could be important.

"Well aren't you gonna answer it?!" Joe laughed.

I gave a weak smile and answered the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi. Is this Rose Black?" A mystery woman asked.

"Um yeah" I replied. "May I ask who this is?!"

"I'm a nurse from Liverpool general hospital" she said.

"Oh um" I said, totally confused.

Why would a hospital be calling me?

"I'm calling with news about your mother, Helen Black" she said.

"Oh" I said. "What's happened? Is she ok?!"

"I'm very sorry to tell you, but your mother was part of a four-way collision car accident" the nurse said. "I'm so sorry, but she didn't survive"

"W-what?!" I said, choking on tears.

"I'm very sorry" she said. "We've managed to get her details and once we've finished with her body, we'll send her to your local hospital who will then transfer her to your local cremator."

"Oh um" I said, trying not to cry. "Ok"

"Again, i'm very sorry for your loss" she said.

"Th-thank you" I said.

"If you have any questions within the next twenty four hours, feel free to call our reception" the nurse said. "We'll contact you when we transfer her to your local hospital"

"O-ok" I said, and with that, I hung up.

I can't believe it.

My Mum.

My Mum is gone.


End of part 21




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