Part 69- Cabin Torture!

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Rose's POV

I woke up, immediately my head banging. I tried to stand up but my foot was chained on a pipe connected to the wall. I screamed and sobbed.

"Someone! Help me!" I screamed in fear.

Suddenly, the door opened. In walked Mason.

"No point screaming" he laughed evilly, somehow finding all of it a joke. "We're in the middle of nowhere. No one is gonna hear you. No one is gonna find you."

"Let me go!" I sobbed. "We left Amy for dead! She needs help!"

"I'd be worrying about yourself right now" Mason laughed.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I sobbed.

Mason walked up to me. I felt a sharp sting on my left cheek, he'd just slapped me.

"That's not how you talk to me!" he yelled. "You talk to me with some fucking respect!"

Is he kidding?!

"Respect? Respect?!" I yelled. "You're getting fuck all respect from me! After everything you did to me, how the hell do you expect me to respect you?!"

"Shut the fuck up!" he yelled.

"You need to ring an ambulance to the house for Amy!" I screamed.

"I said shut the fuck up!" Mason screamed.

With a new found confidence, I spat in Mason's face.

Mason took out a knife and slashed my arm.

"Arghhh!" I cried in pain.

He grabbed my arm and squeezed it.

"Arghhhhhh!" I cried out in pain.

"There's a lot more where that's coming from" he spat and slashed my arm again.

I screamed out in agony.

Mason grabbed my leg that wasn't chained and pressed the knife deep into the skin, twisting it to make a deep wound.

"Please!" I sobbed out in pain. "Stop!"

"You really think i'm gonna stop?" he spat. "You ruined everything! You ruined my whole fucking life! We would've been so happy if it wasn't because of you!"

We? Who's we?

"What do you mean, we?" I sobbed.

"Me, mum and dad!" he yelled. "Dad fucking left because of you!"

Is he joking?! Did he honestly really think that?!

"No!" I sobbed. "Dad left because he only cared about himself! He wasn't happy so he ran!"

"No!" Mason screamed. "He only left because of you! He left because when you came along it was too much for him to handle! I know he loved me! Before you came along everything was perfect! I looked up to him! He was my idol! My role model! And you fucking ruined it!"

Mason actually had tears in his eyes.

The reason he's never loved me, the reason he's always hated me, was because our dad left. I had nothing to do with that!

"Mason, i'm honestly so sorry you feel like it was my fault" I sobbed. "But it wasn't. What was I, one? I couldn't control that!"

"You should've never been fucking born!" he screamed. "You shouldn't be here! You killed mum too!"


"Mason it was a car accident and you know that!" I sobbed.

"No!" he screamed. "Somehow you had something to do with it! I know it!"

It wasn't then that I realised that Mason wasn't just evil, he needed actual mental help. He was unstable. If only I could convince him to stop this.

By now Mason was angrily crying.

"If you hadn't of killed mum, I could've killed you and then dad would've came back" he yelled. "Then we could've finally been a family! But no! That's another thing you ruined!"

"Mason. I could find where Dad lives" I sobbed, desperate to get away. "Then you could leave to live with him. We could forget about all of this. I promise!"

I saw him process what I just said.

"Could I really let all this go?" he asked himself. "Could I really forgive you after everything you've done to me?"

I knew the best thing to do was to play along.

"Mason you don't have to forgive me" I sobbed. "I just want to help you! I can find dad for you! Please!"

Mason crouched down to my level.

"You would really do that for me?" he asked.

Oh my god! I got through to him!

"Y-yes!" I said. "I'll do anything to make you happy!"

Suddenly, Mason picked up his knife and stabbed it deep into my left leg.

"Arghhhhhhhhhh!" I cried out in pain.

He ripped the knife out.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed.

"Well isn't that nice of you" he said. "Because killing you will make me so, so happy. You're finally gonna pay for what you've done!"

Mason stood back up and walked to the door. Pain was surrounding my whole body.

"If you haven't bled out by the time i'm back, i'll shoot you in the head!" Mason spat and left.

I held my leg in agony, watching the blood flow out.

This was it. I really was going to die!

End of part 69


Hi guys! Well, until next time!

Rachel x

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