Chapter 14 Part 1

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I'm dedicating this chapter to DurectionerForever i loved the comment.! Thanks :) ill keep dedicating chapters to you lovely guys/ladies.


Sorry this chapter is super short.! i have been so busy. i am going to put this up in two parts so i can give you something. :) The second part will be much longer i promise.


I was staring at harry confused. How in the world did zayn switch so fast? Why did he change at all? I'm not going to lie for a minute there i actually had hope that maybe zayn did feel something for me but that's just nuts.

"So the things he was just saying?"

"No sorry Niall that wasn't him." He did look sorry almost sad for me.

"How did you know? That he wasn't zayn i mean" his face turned up into guilt it was almost funny.

"I uh well...I was listening from the stairs and i heard the tone of his voice change." His head went down i had to laugh.

"Its okay everyone does it." A small smile crept up onto his lips.

"Niall you know I'm not like some asshole right?" Where did that come from?

"I know that now yeah. What made you say that?"

"Well its just your Louis best friend already and he is very fond of you its kind of creepy like you two were meant to be friends like you were meant to be in his life. but anyways yeah your his best friend and that matters to me. I want you to like me and to trust me with Louis because i know for a fact when the person your closest with don't approve of something you end up not approving to."

"Harry you have nothing to worry about Louis loves you. I think your an amazing person and i have so much respect for you. So stop worrying." His full smile appeared now dimples and all.

"Thanks." He was turning around to head toward the kitchen but an angry voice stopped him.

"How cute.! The two fags making up. Harry i thought better of you."He made a disapproving sound. I knew it wasn't zayn but i couldn't move i couldn't walk. Harry is frozen into his place. 

"Here this whole time you told me about all of these girls you liked and how manly you are. We know the truth now don't we. Your nothing but a PUSSY.! that likes men." I did something i didn't think i could do i looked over at the man that hated me. How could he speak to harry like that? He didn't deserve it.

"AND YOU.!" He spun his head around i jumped from the pitch of his voice."Haven't you learned from before? YOUR NOT WANTED HERE.! NOBODY LIKES YOU.!"  I looked him in the eyes. I noticed how close we still were. I couldn't speak zayn beautiful eyes were now full of hatred i didn't like this look it wasn't him. It took me a minute to realize he wasn't talking to me or harry anymore it looked as if he was talking to himself which only scared me more. He must have just noticed how close we were because he made a disgusting face and hoped over the side of the couch. He started to pace and he was yelling.

"I have worked so hard.! Your going to ruin it all.! I told you to stay hidden i would take care of you.! But what do you do? You fall for him.! He is going to ruin it all Zayn don't you see that? WHY CANT YOU SEE THAT?!. Your being a dumb prick i cant let this happen." I looked at harry to see him still frozen his face turned into a horrible frown i could tell he was thinking hard. What am i suppose to do? I don't understand whats going on here what he is talking about. Where the hell was Liam? didn't he promise that nothing like this would happen and if it did he would be here to stop it? Well where the fuck is he.

"Ill fix this. I always fix your damn mistakes.!" Does he realize I'm still here? Maybe if i slowly got up and tried to walk away he wouldn't notice. I slowly sat up trying not to draw attention i felt my leg go into pain from the sudden movement and pressure i held in the scream that was threatening to come out. i looked over my should at zayn he was still pacing and muttering things to himself. i slowly stood up using the arm of the couch to support me. i walked slowly behind it until i reached harry.

"Harry are you alright?" i whispered so zayn wasn't able to hear my voice. "Harry come on." i started to pull him but i suddenly fell to the ground landing on my leg. I let out a painful scream i laid down clutching my holding it to my chest.

"FUCK.!" i looked up to see zayn standing over top of me. Harry vanished hopefully for Liam. i felt tears slide down my face. 

"This is all your fault you know." he was talking to me now i could tell by the hatred in his voice. 

"What is? Whats my fault?" 

"Everything was fine until you came.! I got rid of Louis with no problem but then here is you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't you see you cant be here"

"Please i don't understand"


"Wha-What do you mean get rid of me." But before i knew it he was on top of me holding a pillow fro the couch over my head."

"James please I-I"

"No don't talk.! nothing is going to help you Niall you have to go your ruining everything."

"WHAT AM I RUINING?! I DON'T UNDERSTAND.!" i had to get out of this. he is sitting on my leg i cant go anywhere  where the hell is Liam?. "LIAM! HELP. LIAM!"

"SHUT UP.! You cant ruin this too." Niall think you talk none stop all the time just say something.!

"You wanna know what i think James? I think you like me. I think your so mad at me because of that." His face went angry maybe this wasn't the best idea. "At first we thought it was because you were against zayn being gay. You were protecting him from it like it was so bad. But after the second attempt to kill me i thought about it why try so hard? Why go through such big measures when your actions would only hurt zayn worse. Your suppose to protect him from all the bad things but when you got caught off guard you need to protect yourself so you been pushing zayn away coming out more. So tell me James tell me I'm wrong.!" 


Firstly again I'm sorry its so short. but i hope you liked it anyways. Secondly How do you guys think James is going to react? The next chapter has something interesting with Liam wonder what it is hm o_O. And some Larry yay.!Thirdly Let me know if you liked it how I'm doing. And as always thanks for reading means the world to me. :)

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