Chapter 6

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I dedicated this chapter to TeenForLife because he comment on chapter 5 put a smile on my face. :) so yeah I'm going to start doing that dedicating chapters to you lovely people. okay enough of me talking hope you enjoy.!                                                                     

                                                                (ZAYN'S POV)

I feel like a creep a stalker. I don't know why I'm standing here looking through his window. I know i wanted to make sure he was okay but i have never in my life stooped this low. Why do i even care? he is home he is safe. Why did i care to begin with. I wish i could go to mom and ask her what was going on with me. She would have the answers she always did. But once i got my "condition" dad got worse to and she couldn't take it anymore. I don't blame her. Just turn around malik. Wait where is my car? God zayn how did you even get here? where did you leave the damn thing this time. you need to leave now. sighing i began to walk away that was until i seen a blond head coming down the steps. I turned my full attention to him threw the glass. He was playing with something his face turning sad. What just happened? what did Louis say? i will kill him if he hurts Niall. STOP ZAYN! you don't care about him. Why is Louis cuddled up next to him? I stood there for a little over an hour just watching. Their not talking and Louis isn't sitting so close anymore it looks like their just watching a movie. i pulled out my phone.

~Liam can you come pick me up?~ i got a quick reply

~On my way. Where are you.~

~Nialls place.~

~Damn it Zayn what did you do?~

i didn't reply because frankly i was offended why does everyone assume the worst from me. i looked back into the window and noticed the scene has changed Louis was sitting up a hell of allot closer to him and Niall was talking. Before i new it they were leaning in closer to one another. What the hell is he doing? He cant kiss Niall. Niall cant kiss him.! but they did. The anger was building fast. i could feel it. everything is becoming black i am not suppose to get this mad but Fuck.! i need the key come on think key. i searched the front porch and just what i expected right under the welcome map was a spare key. stupid rich people. i hurried and unlocked the door and went inside all i heard was i love you to Lou and that's all it took.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" they both jumped up Louis standing in front of Niall protectively.

                                                              (NIALL'S POV)

I couldn't find my voice. Why was he here? Why was he so mad? Did he come here to hurt me worse then he already has?

"Zayn how did you get in here?" Louis had to ask i couldn't

"Spare key"

"What the hell do you want?" Lou sounded angry but i could tell he was a bit scared.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up and let Blondie talk?"

"No i think you have done enough today zayn so leave." zayn laughed why is he laughing?

"Since when did you start giving me the orders? From what i remember you like taking them" what is he talking about? what is going on.

"LEAVE NOW" Since i was behind Louis i couldn't see what was going on. so when Louis was being pushed down on the couch and a pissed of zayn was now in my face i didn't expects it. I had no choice now i had to find my voice. I had to stand up to him. 

"What do you want zayn?"

"I want allot of things but seeing your face right now seeing all the fear i couldn't ask for anything better,"

"What then? You've come to tease me? To threaten me? To beat me up? To hurt me? what else could you possibly want from me?" If even possible he got angrier his face turning so red. He grabbed my throat pushing me against the wall. i could barely breath he was strangling me.

"Right now i want you to shut the fuck up." i heard Louis screaming

"Zayn get off him! He cant breathe.! Your going to kill him zayn.!" i wasn't going to let this happen i wasn't going to go out scared or weak. so i did what i do best and i smiled. i smiled at him.

"I'm not afraid of you zayn. You can do whatever it is you need to do.But you have not won." it didn't come out as confident or strong as i wanted it, it came out as a horsed whisper. i felt my lungs close up and i thought for sure this was it for me. that i was going to die by the hands of the man that i had a strange connection to. even today after he did what he did i couldn't hate him like i wanted to and it scared me. My breathe were coming in shorter. i vaguely heard Louis in the background his screams became sobs. i was looking into his eyes. they weren't the same as before. these eyes belonged to someone else someone with no heart someone that was not zayn. my eyelids felt heavy so i just closed them. suddenly i fell to the ground. i reached up to my throat gasping for air. i looked up to see Liam and harry grabbing hold of zayn. Louis by my side.

"NI? are you okay?" i nodded. he hugged me. "Thank god. I'm so sorry. i don't know why. he was too. i tried but." he stopped he began to cry harder.

"shh. its okay Louis. i knew you were there trying to help. you were protecting me. I'm fine." i turned my head to the commotion that was happening in the middle of the living room. Liam and harry were trying to hold zayn back from running. he was screaming pulling but thankfully the others together were stronger.

"Zayn.! Calm down man. you have to calm down. remember what the doctor said? please zayn calm down" Doctors? is he sick? well i know he has to be messed up in the head somewhere. zayn suddenly stopped jerking, pulling and stood still he brought his head up with a evil smirk.

"Zayn? I'm not zayn. zayn is gone." he laughed what the actual fuck? i looked at Louis and the look on his face he was thinking the same as me. i looked at harry and Liam but this didn't seem to faze them. Liam nodded. understanding covering his face.

"James?" wait who the fuck is James?

HELLO AGAIN! Firstly i want to apologize because of how short this is. but i needed to update so i promise that the next Chapter will be long. :) Secondly poor Niall :(. and OMG ZAYN.! he has some serious issues to work out. Can anyone guess who James is? and what Zayns condition is going to be o_O hmm?? And thirdly sorry for any mistakesim sure there is a few. let me know what you guys/ladies think. Thanks for Reading mean the world to me :)!

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