The Lie

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The main door opens and I see mom and dad, their face look worried and distressed. Dad is having a hard time containing himself but I can tell he wants to burst out. When he looked at me, his face collapses. He's not that good in hiding his feelings. Mom on the other hand, composed herself when she sees me.

Jessica unlocked the door and I hug them both. The first human contact I ever had since I was brought here. Feels like home.

"My dear Roseanne" mom says as she squeezes me lightly. "What happened to you? What have you done? Why did you do that?"

"Anne!" Dad says callously to mom.

I was hoping for defense, that she would defend what I did, not an attack, it pains me knowing that my mom is agreeing with The Society and point the finger at me. I knew that I was in trouble, but is that bad?

"I'm sorry" mom says apologetically. "I didn't mean that way. It's just that Rosie always follow the rules, it was so out of character for her. " my mom sighed "I saw the news and we went here the moment we saw it. Are you okay, love? Jisoo told us what happened and she's been crying"

I'm not really okay. How would I be okay? Knowing that I am being accused as a Failure. But on the good side, I'm glad that they didn't take Jisoo. I couldn't bear seeing her here.

I nod. I don't want them to worry about me. All will be fine. Dad hugs me and kiss the top of my head, it feels good, so homely. It's been hours since I've been away from home but I miss it so bad.

"It doesn't make sense to me. The old woman was coughing, she was struggling and that two annoying women just ignore her. They were on her seat! How could they do that? I know we're not allowed to talk to the failures or even look at them but for Pete's sake, that woman is holding on for her dear life! She needed help!" I'm talking fast, almost pleading them to see the side of my story. I pace back and forth as I tell them the story from thr start, trying to get them to see what I saw, tha if they were in my shoes, they would do the same. To tell me that I'm not a failure. Am I?

Dad smiles sadly and there are tears in his eyes. I know he is having a hard time to process all of these. Of course he can't just talk ill about her sister, Judge Dahee. I am taken aback when my mom grabs me by the shoulders. I look around and see that the girl is looking at us, watching us intently. I wonder if she understood what I said, did she read my lips while I'm telling the story? I hope she does, I want her to side with me.

My gaze went to my mom when she grips me tightly.

"Listen to me" her voice a little low but I can tell she is panicking. "We don't have time. Your aunt is going to see you in a few. Forget every good thing we taught you. Save yourself, Roseanne"

I have never heard Mom talk like this. It's like she became a completely different person. Maybe I am really in the brink of danger. With that tone of her voice, she's scaring the hell out of me.

"Mom, i'll be fine. It's just Aunt Da-"

"You have to lie. Tell her you were wrong, that you made a mistake, that you didn't intend on helping the old woman. Do you understand me, Rosie?"

I look at my parents in an utterly shock. How could I do that? Why do they want me to lie?

"But if I tell Aunt that I was wrong, it will mean one thing, admitting that I'm a Failure."

"If she finds out that you feel you were right with what you did, she will brand you Failure." Dad said in a low voice, definitely worried.

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