The Video

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That afternoon, knowing that I have a week of confinement to the house ahead of me, I pace my room like the caged lion Lisa always seemed. Even if I could speak at Alpha's gathering, which I wouldn't, I can't leave the house. How empowering is that to people?

Home from school, Jisoo walks by my open door. She smiled and run towards me. "How's your day?" She asked.

"Good. Never better" I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Rosie, you're strong, stronger than me actually. I know you'll get through it. I love you" Jisoo kissed my head and sure, it felt like home.

"I love you, too. Thanks for being my sanity, sis" we lied in bed and I can feel the tension in Jisoo's breathing. I know something is bothering her.

"Chu, is there something bothering you? I can smell your brain, it's pretty burnt" I asked, I looked up and saw her squinting her eyes.

"You, little rascal" she sighed. There's a long pause and out of respect, I waited until she's ready to spill whatever it is that's going on in her head.

"Would I be punished if the society knew I love someone who happens to be with same gender as mine?" There's a hint of sadness in her voice.

I immediately got up, did she just confessed she's in love with a girl? How? With whom? Oh my god. I can't believe I share the same dilemma as my sister.

"Look, Chu. There's no such thing, okay? There's no rule or law stated that if you love the same gender, you'll be punished. So, you don't have to worry."

"I really don't know. This society is messed up and knowing, Dahee runs the community, she can easily twist the law. But what can I do, I guess I really love her."

She has a point. Dahee is one heck spawn of satan and she's too powerful. But, I can't let her make my sister's life miserable as well. Enough destroying mine.

"You really don't have to worry about her. What matters is how you feel. Well, may I know who's the lucky girl?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows, teasing her to lighten the mood.

"It's... uhmmm." She trails off.

"It's okay. I completely understand if you're not yet r-"

"Jennie." Jisoo blurted out, covering her face.

"Holy shit. Jennie? Lisa's cousin? Oh my god" I can't believe it. I know there's something going on between them but how I can I be so clueless.

"Are you mad?" She asked.

"What..? No, silly. why would I? I'm actually happy. Jennie's good person I can tell."

"She really is. She can understand me better then anyone else. I mean, don't get me wrong, you can understand me as well but with her, it's like on another level. I can be weird whenever I'm around her, i feel so comfortable. We share the same sentiments, we have a lot in common. And I know it sounds so cheesy but.. she's like the other half that's missing in my whole life."

"Oh gosh. That was so cheesy. I feel like gagging" i acted like I was about to throw up.

She swats my arm and we both laughed.

"I'm happy for you, Chu. You deserve all the happiness this world can offer. And if it means being together with the one you love despite what the norms dictate, go for it. Never let it destroy your happiness."

I'm glad Jisoo found the one who can make her happy. Part of me was feeling downhearted. I wish Lisa and I can be as free as them.

"I would actually willing to be branded just to be with her."

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