The Secret Rendezvous

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I've been contemplating for the past 2 hours since Mila left and I'm so worried about her. I decide to go outside to clear my head, I wear my choker, my black outfit making sure that all wounds are exposed. I wear the jacket that Lisa gave to me and as I put my hands on the front pockets, there's a piece of paper and I read it.

So if you could come once more from your high place.
Come, fi11 my famished hearing with your voice that I'm longing for.
Here, my wound is numb, one touch of you worth a thousand creeds that I dire.

I don't get it, it doesn't say where can I see her. I read the letter once more and it striked to me that the first letters of each stanzas were emphasized.

SCH? it doesn't make any sense. High place. SCH? could it be Seoul Citadel Highland? Maybe that's it. I re-read it one last time and I noticed that word fill, it says 11. So we'll meet at Seoul Citadel Highland at 11pm?

I look at the clock and it's almost 9. Carina will leave at 10pm. I have to wait patiently.

When I hear that the quiet murmuring, which was decidedly longer than usual, has ended in my parent's bedroom, and the house has settled for the night, I make ny way to the summit.

It is 11:00 pm. The summit overlooks the sleeping capital city. We live in the valley surrounded by mountains. Atop one of those mountains, Seoul Highland Castle dominates the city. Lit up by powerful red uplighters at night, it watches over us menacingly. The scene of centuries of invasions and massacres, it now houses state conferences, and dinners, guided tours of its architecture, museum of its ancient artifacts, and of course more famously now, the offices of the Society. As I'm nearing, it feels great to be back here, I feel nostalgic as I remember my childhood friend and I usually come up here, I wonder where she is.

To the left, the lights of more cities dot the night and stretch on forever, the citadel keeping its watchful eye on them all. To the right are farmland and industry, where my granddad lives. Seoul Highland is beauty at night, lit up at its six arches, three bridge towers, and the statues from our history lining the bridge to protect it. It feels great to be back here, I remember my childhood friend and I usually come up here, I wonder where she is.

I finally reach the summit. I look around but there's no sign of Lalisa.

"Lisa?" I call her name softly. "Are you here?" Still no response. Is this a joke? Then I realize, why am I so gullible? What if that letter wasn't really from her? But no, Jisoo handed me the letter, I'm pretty sure she won't throw me under the bus. I took a deep breath and calm myself.

I decide to walk over the right edge to have a better view of the city. I close my eyes for a while and when I open them someone put her hands over my eyes.

"Who are you?" But the person is not answering, I start to feel scared, what if this is one of Dahee's trick to capture me? I feel panic taking over me but I smell the familiar scent. I turn around and slowly tracing the person's chest.

"Lalisa" I'm pretty sure it is her.

"You found me." There's a hint of happiness in her voice as she slowly remove her hands from my eyes.

"I guess I can say the same. You also found me." I smile sheepishly.

"And you have an odd way of familiarizing me" she says and I feel my cheeks burning.

"I didn't mean to... to intrude your body. I'm sorry did I offend you?" I look down realizing how bold move it was.

She held my chin up and our eyes met, I got lost by her gaze. Her eyes, there's something about them that makes me drawn to her even more. " No.not at all, beautiful lady."

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