The Knight of Violence

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"Whose party are you going to?" Jisoo asks me at breakfast, after Mila went home.

"Leo. Leo Sy"

She stops eating her cereal. "Leo is the biggest asshole, Rosie"

"He's been nice to me".

She frowns "why did he invite you? What's the occasion?"

"His eighteenth"

"What? He turned nineteen. He had to repeat his final year because he is so stupid."

"No, he's not." I show her the invitation.

She studies it and then she frowns "Oh." She hands it back to me, we sit in silence. "I didn't hear anything about it."

Despite the tension between us over the past couple of weeks, she is my sister and I do have the capacity to feel sympathy for her. It reminds me I'm human.

"Well, I'm sure they were just being nice to me. I wouldn't feel salty about it." I say gently

She starts laughing "Do you think I'm jealous? No way, Believe me, I'm not. You can have your party. What I meant was, I wouldn't trust them."

"Why? Because I'm a failure?" I ask, anger flaring up instantly.

"Look. I'm not being jealous. I'm just warning you that you have to be more extra careful. Leo is an asshole everyone knows that. Either you are a failure or not, he doesn't have a sympathy."

"So where are you going tonight, Jisoo?" I ask the anger thumping inside me "are you going to disappear tonight like you do every night?".

She looks at me in surprise, a mouth full of cereal. I can tell she's trying to come up with an excuse.

"What are you talking about?"

"For the past few weeks I've gone into your room at midnight, most nights, and you haven't been there."

She laughs as if I'm a ludicrous, which annoys me. I don't like people thinking I'm crazy. Not now.

Carina looks up from her paperwork. Mom and dad watch us with interest.

"Maybe I was in the bathroom".

"You weren't. I always check the bathroom also." I smirk

"Okay. Stalker." I don't like how she looks at me.

"Is this true, Jisoo?" Dad asks

"What? I can't live my life because Roseanne can't?"

"No! You can do whatever you want and Rosie can live her life, too. What I'm saying is that you have to be more careful. If people see you and think you're Roseanne, she will get into trouble. And so as we. We will get into trouble, too. Look what happened last time, with the hair, they're quick to conclude that it was Roseanne. " dad says angrily, looking at Carina.

"Well, I haven't been sneaking out" she says, eyes down and I know she'a lying.

"Are you calling me a liar?" I ask

She glares at me "I don't need to call you anything. Stick your branded tongue out"

Right there and then, the pain takes over me. I can't believe my own sister said that to me. I wiped off my tears, I can't let Carina enjoy the gratification of me crying in front of her. How could Jisoo rub in my face that I'm a failure. How could she inflict so much pain to me.

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