For The Love of A Failure

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"Well, we can always find more areas," Dahee says to me jokingly, with a twinkle in her eye.

She actually thinks that nobody knows. Ramirez regards her differently then. I can tell her arrogance has angered her.

"A spine, perhaps, what do you think?" George says.

My heart drums manically. We're finally there. George is going for it now.

Ramirez senses it, too, and sits up rigidly. Dahee looks at George coldly. There's a long silence.

"Let's all be honest with one another now," George says. "There is footage, Judge Dahee, that reveals you branding this young lady's spine yourself, without anesthetic."

Dahee's eye twitches. "This footage allegedly exists but it is rather elusive, as nobody can seem to find it. Personally I think it's an idle threat, one that doesn't exist."

"It exists," I say, hardly.

"I can assure you, Judge Ramirez, there is no such footage, and even if there is, I'm sure it's a cheap re-creation, along with everything else we can view on the Internet," she says to Ramirez. She's trying to reel her in.

Ramirez remains silent, keeping her cards close to her chest. I can't be certain whose side she's going to eventually take.

"I know that Roseanne was in your home this morning," Dahee says, suspicious.

"Indeed, I called you personally to tell you, but the Whistleblowers got to her first."

"I called the Whistleblowers on myself,"

I interrupt their cat-and-mouse game, which is starting to bug me. No games. Just honesty.

"Judge Ramirez wanted to hand me over to you herself. She wanted to give me to you for something in return. Do a little deal."

She looks at me, surprised, but must continue now that I've begun.

"You've made too many mistakes, Dahee," Ramirez says. "There is a private inquiry into your actions; it has asked me to comply. I'm going to have to answer honestly."

"What do you want from me?" Dahee asks her, and it's as if George and I suddenly aren't in the room.

"I want you gone. I want to be head judge of the Society."

Dahee laughs nervously. "You want me to step down?"

"I want control. Full control."

And it disgusts me, both of them are hungry over power.

She stiffens, stands up.

"You want to take my job in return for what? Her?" She points his finger at me. "I already have her."

I'm insulted that she can't even say my name. As is George, who regards this all with disgust.

"I have the footage," Ramirez says, and I see the color drain from Dahee's face.

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