Part 1

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First day of your sophomore year. You had class all morning and ended spending the afternoon on the bleachers watching your best friend practice baseball. You were never bored being by the field when the jocks were practicing because, for as much as you did not give a shit about relationships, you were not the one to decline a free show of handsome boys sweating.

After three hours of running, falling and sweating, Jeff crossed the field and rested his arms on the gate separating the two of you. "Enjoyed the show, miss?" You nodded grinning at him. He shot you his million dollar smile. The one that made all the girls jealous of your friendship with the jock. "I am gonna take a shower and we're good to go, sweetheart."

"Don't take too long, Jeffereykins." You joked as he was about to jog back to the locker room.

"I hate that name!" He yelled laughing.

"YOU LOVE ME THOUGH!" You shot back at him as you walked to get to the parking lot. You sat on the hood of his car while waiting, reading a book you picked earlier from the library. Ten minutes later, you heard the jocks slowly getting out of the building. Sighing, you got inside the car not willing to get any word from any of them. "If you were not different, I would have burnt all of them and the world would be a better place." You stated, eyes glued to your book when Jeff got in.

"Pyromania, lady, is a crime." He teased as he drove away. You rolled your eyes chuckling.

"Being as jerk as those dudes is a crime too, handsome."

"Oh, now you find me handsome, (y/n)?" He pulled over to the side and looked at you with his most serious look. You tried to keep a straight face before you looked back at him but you two burst out laughing. It was that way between the two of you, you teased each other, you joked around each other but most importantly, you liked each other a lot. You pecked his cheek in response. "I'll take this as a yes." You simply winked and rested back on your seat.

"Sometimes I wonder how people see us together."

"You think a little too much, sweetheart." He took your hand in his and planted a soft kiss on her palm. "On the other hand, I wonder what I'll do when you find a boyfriend and stop spending time with me." He said playfully. He knew your answer already.

"Jefferey!" You gently punched his shoulder. "You know that no guy will ever be able to make us stop spending time together. I love you way too much, Atkins." He smiled. A soft and genuine smile. He kissed your hand again. Minutes later, he parked in front of your house and you gave him another kiss before you got out and in your house. It had been that way between you and the most lovable jock of Liberty since you were kids. You grew up close to each other that if someone new came to town, they would just assume you were dating.

It was nearly 6 p.m. when your parents came back home. " Hey, there sweetie." You dad said as he walked into your bedroom. You looked up at him and smiled.

"Hey, dad. How was your first day?" You asked as you made your way to his arms.

"Great, yours? How is Jeff?" He responded kissing your hair.

"Jeff is doing great. My day was basic, as usual." Your relationship with your parents was beyond amazing. They were loving and caring, gave you space when needed and you returned everything with a good behavior and fantastic grades. They never questioned your friendship with Jeff, on the contrary, they liked him like their own son and trusted him being around you.

A Kiss To Change It All - Montgomery de la CruzWhere stories live. Discover now