Part 12

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If you had to sum up your week, you would describe Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday as pure hell and torture. No tutoring which meant no sneaking to the dockside with Montgomery and no kisses or touches. Just shy glances exchanged from across the cafeteria and brief words here and there during the few classes you had in common.

Even when you were sitting with your friends, your eyes searched for him and when you finally found him, looking at you with a grin, you blushed, smiled and looked away, dragging your attention back to whatever Sheri, Jessica or Jeff was saying to you. And of course, Tony noticed it. Again. He was paying a shit ton of attention to both of you from afar. He noticed the way you smiled, the way your eyes lit up when you got a text that couldn't be from anyone but Montgomery. Tony remembered when you were reluctant and scared of the simple thought of being with him and couldn't help but laugh in the middle of English History class, students turning around to look at him. He also noticed how Montgomery stayed away from fights and troubles, the many girls he pushed away even when they insisted.

You changed him.

It was just a week but you changed him. You didn't notice it until Tony made you look at him when he walked in the halls and helped Tyler gather his books that were on the floor. Usually, he would make things worse for Liberty's photographer but he didn't. He gave him a light tape on the shoulder and walked to his locker, not far from yours. "A week, (Y/N). Just a week made things different." Tony said in a low voice before he walked away so you could talk to him.

"You ready for the game tomorrow?" You asked when he rested his back against the locker right next to yours.

"I'd rather have my tutoring lesson than this game." He grinned and made you smile. "Are you coming to Bryce's party after it?"

"I don't know Monty..."

"Come on, (Y/N)..." He begged.

You closed your locker and looked at him trying to keep a straight face. "Strike a home-run tomorrow and I'll come. Deal?" You extended your hand to him and he took it immediately.


You started walking away but stopped and turned around to look at him. "Just so you know, Cruz, Jeff will be with me. If you ever strike that home-run of course." You warned him with a wink and made your way to your first class after lunch-break. He knew Jeff and you held a special friendship mainly because you grew up with each other and also because he was the only one to help you when you were sick.


Montgomery was one of the best players of Liberty's baseball team and scoring a home-run was not a big deal for him. Indeed, you had no doubt about that. You just wanted to challenge him, let's say, spice up a little bit your relationship. You were on the bleachers, front row with Hannah and Clay on one side, Tony on the other. You did not want to miss a piece of the game but before this, you had to see the cheerleaders dance and more precisely some of them trying to catch your boyfriend's attention which never happened. "You're shooting daggers at them," Tony whispered, amused by your visible jealousy.

"Lucky them they ain't real..." You growled and crossed your arms over your chest until they were done and left the field. Montgomery shot you a questioning look to which you responded to with a soft smile, not wanting to bug him before the game, especially not about something that stupid. It was not the first you would go to a baseball game but it was the first time, you paid attention to someone else than Jeff. The first minutes were a mess. Not a point for Liberty. You shifted uncomfortably, pulling your sleeves as down as you could, nervous. Montgomery's eyes met yours when he was about to bat. 'You can do it.' You mouthed and he did, scoring the first home-run for your team. You literally jumped from your seat, among the other supporters, clapping. All you wanted to do was to cheer him up as loudly as you could but you couldn't. Frustration was beyond high.

A Kiss To Change It All - Montgomery de la CruzWhere stories live. Discover now