Part 14

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You kept your relationship with Montgomery a secret for weeks.

Weeks of sneaking. The excitement of it never faded away. After tutoring, with no words exchanged, he would drive to the dockside, out of habit mainly. It was your happy place where no one would catch you kissing, talking or simply sitting in a comfortable silence when one of you didn't have a good day and didn't want to talk about it. When it was him, he would rest his head on your lap, relaxing under your soft touch on his face before you moved your fingers to comb his hair. He liked the way you wouldn't ask questions when he was upset and the way you made him forget about his worries by just being there for him. When it was you, he would hold you against his chest, pressing kisses on top of your head. It was a simple gesture but it was comforting in every possible way. But it wasn't the only time you would be together. You mastered the climbing up and down your window, silently and quickly because he often took you out on late date nights to Rosie's when he couldn't sleep at your place. You would often sit facing each other, just talking, as if you were catching up on all the time you spent hating one another for no reason. And when he sat by your side, you would snuggle under his arm, resting your head on his shoulder and enjoying the warmth of his body that slowly warmed you as he played with your hand.

Weeks of cheesy pickup lines, flirting and teasing at inappropriate moments. When you were in the middle of a conversation, he would find it funny to text you the cheesiest pickup line he could come up with. 'On a scale from 1 to 10, you're a 9... And I'm the 1 you need.' or 'Is it hot in here or is it just you?' Those were just two texts among many others, that would make you laugh, earning weird looks from whoever was talking to you. During your tutoring sessions, he would get his chair as close to yours as possible, knee bumping into yours when you wouldn't look at him, hand brushing over yours when you would reach for a book or a pen. "Feel my shirt."


"It's made of boyfriend material." He responded with a smirk leaning back in his chair which you make you smile and blush at the same time.

Weeks of lies. It was getting tiring at points. Not being able to be free holding hands, kissing or just talking about him when Jessica started the 'getting you a boyfriend discussion'. "Gosh, why are you so stubborn?"

"Because I don't need a boyfriend, Jess." You sighed and drew your attention back on the untouched food in your tray.

"Valentine's day is next week, are you seriously going to spend it alone again?"

"Yes. I don't like this crap anyways." You rolled your eyes. You always hated Valentine's day, you thought people didn't need a special day to remind their significant other that they loved them and give them a special treat. Plus you knew what Jessica was trying to do: Get you to take that stupid survey that would get you phone numbers from boys that matched whatever quiz you were meant to take. Sheri was the one who came up with the idea, for as much as it was the perfect opportunity for Clay to get a move on Hannah, you found this whole fuss about it stupid. "And I am not taking that damn survey." You spoke when she was about to add something.

"How did you..."

"I just know. End of the story." Now that hidden relationship was getting irritating and terribly frustrating for you because not only you had to keep your relationship a secret but on top of this, whenever you looked at the jocks' table, there were cheerleaders there, laughing like pure idiots to whatever dumb jokes Bryce said. One of them, Kimberly if you remembered her stupid name well, was always clutched to Montgomery's side, desperately trying to get his attention and today was too much for you to handle. Not only she was glued to his side but on top of it, he was actually talking to her, making her laugh, she had her hands all over him and that was it. You gathered your stuff and stormed out of the cafeteria, not bothering yourself to respond to any of your friends calling you. You locked yourself in the bathroom, watching texts from Jeff and Jessica fill your screen until Montgomery's name showed up. 'What's wrong baby girl?' 'Baby where are you?'

A Kiss To Change It All - Montgomery de la CruzWhere stories live. Discover now