Part 26

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The following day, even if you were beyond exhausted, you had to drop the tapes by the first person's place on them which meant Justin. You didn't bother eating or changing into fresh clothes, you just grabbed the box and rushed to drive to his house, making sure no one saw you, you rested the box on the doormat and quickly made your way to Jeff's. "Sweetheart, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep." Half a lie.

"Still thinking about Hannah, right?" You nodded, tightening your grip around the steering wheel. "There's nothing you could have done, (Y/N)..." He said as he rested his hand on yours, making you loosen your grip just enough for him to take your hand away and kiss the back of it. He had no idea about the tapes, he couldn't know just yet. He couldn't know until you sorted things out with Sheri. "Stop blaming yourself, okay?"

"It's so hard..."

"This is why you got me, sweetheart." The small smile playing on your lips quickly vanished when you bumped into the jocks as you walked inside the school, holding your best friend's arm. Almost instinctively, your grip around Jeff's forearm tightened when you met Bryce's gaze from afar. You felt sick just looking at him but then you saw Jessica, laughing and talking to him, unaware of what he did to her. "(Y/N)? (Y/N/N)? Sweetheart?"

"Uh... What?" You shook your head as Jeff's voice brought you back from your thoughts.

"You zoned out..."

"Uh sorry, I was thinking about that damn bio project for next week."

"Talking about bio... Hey Zach, what's up?"

You had to fake smiles for days long, contained yourself from murdering Sheri whenever she came to sit with you at lunch. Tony managed to convince not to do anything stupid until the tapes reached the final person. "You really think Porter will give them to that fucking rapist?"

"He won't. But for Hannah's sake, just keep it together for a little longer." A little longer meant two days later when Clay got them. He didn't say anything but you could read panic and anger on his face as he went slowly through the tapes. "He's so slow."

"Can you blame him? I mean the girl he loved is literally telling the story of why she killed herself and he is just processing this." You could only imagine how hard it was for Clay to hear her say those things and oh boy, you didn't want to think about his reaction when he would reach the final tape. 

The following day was your action day. No one was going to hold you from sorting things out with Sheri. "Oh, hey Sheri." You said standing behind the brunette as she was gathering her books from her locker. She turned around, probably expecting to see you all smiles and happiness but instead she encountered an extremely angry (Y/N). The one who instantly pushed her back against the metal locker and slapped her as hard as she could and oh boy, did it feel good to finally let your built-in anger out. "This is for the stop sign you knocked down!" And another slap. "And this is for not reporting it because you were too scared of your daddy finding out you had an accident!" You growled before you punched her straight into her left cheek. It stung your fist a little bit and made her stumble, but you caught her before she could run away and trapped against the lockers. "This one was for nearly killing my best friend, bitch." You kept your voice low not to attract anyone in the empty hall.

"I can explain ever..."

"Just fucking shut it, Sheri."

Your hand landed once more against her cheek on which a light purple shade was starting to show. And when you were about to hit her once again, someone caught your wrist and pulled you back. "Easy there, tiger." Montgomery's voice was heard in a whisper in your ear as he dragged you away from Sheri. "You pick fights now, (Y/L/N)?" He smirked as Marcus checked on Sheri.

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