Part 17

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Your heart was pounding, nervous because you were about to leave Jessica's party with Montgomery and you knew the moment you agreed to go with him to his house that it was going to happen. The big step in your relationship. He was going to see you at your most vulnerable. 'Breathe in... Breathe out... In... Out... In...' You tried to calm yourself as you walked back and forth in Jessica's bedroom. "Why don't you just tell him that you're not ready?"

"It's scaring me that's it..."

She chuckled. "Monty can be scary sometimes but I am pretty sure he'll understand if you want to wait some more. You guys are in love and he'd been taking things slow with you so don't feel like you have to do it if you don't feel ready yet..."

You stopped, standing face to the door. "I am ready... I am just nervous, I don't really know what I am supposed to do or anything."

"You're not supposed to know anything, you're supposed to feel things..." She paused. "Literally and figuratively." 

Her words were enough to send your heart in a crazier race inside your chest, it felt like it was going to explode and your cheeks were on fire. You weren't embarrassed to talk about it with her, at all, it was the thought of it that made your senses go wild. "It's not helping at all." Your conversation was cut short when Justin came knocking. Jeff wasn't at the party, busy preparing his history test for Monday so you couldn't even have his supportive look. When you got downstairs, there weren't many people left, only a few nearly drunk people here and there, and the usual baseball/basketball squad playing some idiotic alcohol games and at that moment, you regretted the fact that you couldn't drink, maybe it would have eased your nervousness. 

"Baby, ready to go?" You nodded and moved to grab your bag from the couch before you followed your boyfriend to his car. During the ride, you managed to relax as he held your hand in his, pressing kisses now and then until he reached his house. You were surprised to see it for the first time in the middle of the night, a quite big and pretty luxurious place which the inside blew your mind almost as the outside. The living room was big and above the fireplace, you noticed what didn't expect to see: Loads of pictures of Montgomery and his trophies fully displayed to anyone who might come to the De la Cruz house. 

"Owww, Monty you looked so adorable as a baby." You couldn't help but smile at the face he was pulling on the picture. 

He groaned, annoyed that you had to see those embarrassing pictures of him. "I don't like those pictures." He mumbled and wrapped both arms around your waist from behind before resting his chin on your shoulder. 

"You were so cute, babe."

"Am I no longer cute?" 

You rolled your eyes, smiling before shifting in his hold. "You're hot now, there's the difference." You didn't realize the tone you used when you said that until you saw a playful grin on his lips.

"I like the sound of that, princess." His eyes moved from yours to your lips. And there you were freaking out again. 'Okay, (Y/N), breathe in... breathe out... He is your boyfriend and he's been very patient with you.' You didn't think twice, because if you did, you were going to ruin the moment, and pressed your lips to his. At first, it was a delicate and innocent kiss but in seconds it became heated and -very- demanding, his hands gripping your hips and pulling you as close to him as he could until there was no space left between you and he was nearly able to feel your heart beating in your chest. Your hands cradled his face and you pushed any thoughts of insecurity and fear away.  "You know where this is leading us, uh?" He breathed pulling away from you and resting his forehead against yours. You nodded and kissed him again. This time, you didn't how but when he pulled away, you found yourself against his bedroom door, still closed behind your back. He pushed it open and turned his nightstand's lamp on, one arm hooked firmly around your waist as you walked in and before he closed it, he spoke again. "If you want to stop, I don't..." 

A Kiss To Change It All - Montgomery de la CruzWhere stories live. Discover now