Chapter 6 ~

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Harry came over to me, lead into the kiss and I automatically closed my eyes. ‘Enjoy it Bec’, I told myself and I did. It was incredible, he didn’t rushed at all.

“okay, okay, lovebirds, you almost kiss since 3 minutes. You better breath now.”, Zayn joked and the boys laughed at us. Harry pulled away and smiled at me. I blushed. It was so awkward to kiss in front of them.  He was amazing. Yeah, I had butterflies in my stomach and yeah shit, it feels like I want to feel his lips on mine more often. I could get used to it.

We stopped playing ‘truth or dare’ and I went into the kitchen to get something to drink. Of course I wasn’t thirsty at all, I just wanted to have some time to think.

But as soon as I sat down I felt Harry’s hands on my waist.

“Sorry for kissing you babe but yeah, did you enjoy it?”, he winked and made me laugh.

“for sure I did. You too?” I couldn’t helped but laughed even more. Harry nodded and grinned at me, still holding me.

“I know we only met a few days ago but I just want to..” and BAM he brushed his lips on mine. I was kissing him again and it wasn’t even a dare or something like that. It took me a while but I kissed back. I pulled my hands around his neck but stopped when I saw Louis running into the kitchen.

“Woha, guys, stop that. Kids show. MY EYES” Louis yelled but joked. Harry pulled away, smiled and left back to the others.

“So you’re in love with that curly boy?” Louis giggled.

“Shut up Lou”, I slapped his arm-

“You are blushing! My small Bec is in love. You have to tell him everything babe” he pulled me into a hug and I nodded.

Louis went back to the boys and Harry came into the kitchen, again.

“Louis told me to come back? Not enough of me?” he joked.

“Eehmm, he did? Huh…“ awkward.

“Well Bec, listen. I don’t know if you feel the same but I do fancy you a lot and I, uh… do you think we could try it?” He blushed a bit. I never saw him blushing and that was way too much for me.

“I do fancy you, too Harry.” I nodded and hugged him tight.

“So that’s a yes right?” he smiled at me.

“Yeah I think so” I giggled.

We went back to the others and they looked at us like we were aliens. Come on, we were just holding hands. The boys grinned at me. We watched some DVDs and enjoyed the night together. Niall was cuddling with Coco and Harry was holding me in his arms and I felt so lucky.

“I really think we need to go back home, Bec”, Coco looked really tired. I nodded and stood up. Well, I stood up a little bit too fast and I felt really dizzy. Zayn put me down on the coach again because he noticed my dizzy.

“Why don’t you both stay here tonight? Coco, you can sleep in my bed and Bec, you can be with Harry tonight…” Niall said and the boys gave him weird looks. “Come on, just sleep in our beds. It won’t happen anything” he giggled. We said agreed and after Harry gave me some shorts and shirt we went to bed.

“You look stunning in my clothes” he winked and laughed.

“Thanks but I like your clothes on you more than on me” I smiled.

“Shut up and come here” I jumped on the bed and fell alseep in his arms.

*next morning*

I woke up and searched for Harry and the boys but they were nowhere to find. Even Coco wasn’t here either. Ilooked at my phone and saw I already had 3 new messages and 2 missed calls from Harry and Louis.

Hey babe, sorry we had to leave for the studios and I couldn’t wake you up, you looked so peaceful and pretty. Sorry :/ Could you cook some food for us? We’ll be back in an hour. I love you lots – Haz xx

I replied:

Aww, you’re so cute Harry! Okkk, I’ll cook sth for you. I’m looking forward when you and the boys are back. Love you even more – Bec xx

We’re so cute right? Right. Ok, next message.

Wake up Bec. You can't sleep the whole day :). Lou xx

Just woke up. Heheeh i can do it, believe me. have fun in the studios and bring El over soon! – Bec xx

Yeah, last message.

Hey Bec. Ty just called me and he cried really bad. I talked to him and calmed him down. We need to skype! Lot’s to talk about and I miss you chick :( - Sam

Shit! :( Give me a minute and we can skype ok? Miss u. Bec xx

I ran into Harry’s room and took his laptop.

Can I take your laptop? My brother cried and my best friend wants to talk to me. Thanks. Love bec xx, I texted Harry.

Sure. Hope he’s ok. Love u xx

“Bec! Finally. I just wanted to let you know Tyler moved in with me. He wasn’t really happy at home. Your brother cut himself because of all the stuff that’s going on with your dad and yeah, he got bullied at school. Are you ok with that? I mean that he's staying with me now” he asked. I missed his face. Deep in my heart I knew he was my home but I had to let this all go.

I felt tears streaming down my face. I shouldn’t have left Tyler in Canada.

A better life in London (One Direction / Harry Styles fanfic) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now