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Yay! Everyone's favorite thing! First, thank you for reading my story! Second, I know most of you don't care what I have to say but I'm going to say it anyways. Most of you will ignore this and I'm fine with that. Third, thank you to everyone who is actually reading this!

Anyways, this is MY story and I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't copy my work. One, it's not yours. Two, it's rude. Three, plagiarism isn't socially acceptable so don't do it.

Also, any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. This is all a work of fiction so everything will be fake. BUT I have added places in the real world into the story so you get a sense of location.

In case you didn't know, I am a human being. So I will make mistakes, if you could point them out in a RESPECTFUL manner that would be greatly appreciated. Since I am a human, I have feelings so please don't make harsh comments. Your CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is always wanted, not your rude criticism. Please know the difference.

My other readers are most likely humans as well, so please don't be rude to them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect that and I'd appreciate it if everyone else did too. Rudeness and negative comments aren't wanted nor needed so please don't do it. Thank you!

I believe that is everything. Once again, thank you to everyone who is reading this! I hope you enjoy my story!

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