47 Tell Me

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*Delilah's POV*

After a few rounds in bed and then a few in the shower, Ryder and I are relaxing and watching a movie. Ryder thought that we should watch "Ten Things I Hate About You" And I agreed. I love that movie. And he knows that.

       "I'm hungry!" I whine as Ryder puts his arms around me and throws the blankets on us. I hear Ryder sigh and move me to the couch so he can get up.

       "What do you want?" He asks.

      "A cupcake! Wait...no! A milkshake! And fries! Although...cupcakes do sound good too." I say, thinking about all the food. Ryder looks at me for a few seconds, confused but shakes his head.

       "Alright." Ryder says as he grabs his phone and keys. Then he notices he's only in his boxers.

       "I'm going to change and then get your food, alright?" Ryder says as he kisses my forehead and I nod my head, my attention mostly on the movie.

       "What milkshake and cupcake do you want? And does it matter where you want your fries from?" Ryder asks as he walks back into the living room. He's wearing a red sweatshirt and gray joggers with black sneakers.

       "I want a chocolate milkshake! A chocolate cupcake with strawberry frosting! Make sure the cupcake has chocolate sprinkles! I want Arby fries! Oooh! Yeah that sounds so good!" I exclaim, excited.

       "Um...okay? You don't usually like chocolate milkshakes though..." Ryder says, throwing me a confused look.

       "But I want it now!" I whine and he sighs.

       "Alright, angel. I'll be back. Promise me you'll call me if you need anything or if something doesn't feel right. Promise me." Ryder says and I nod my head.

       "I promise, Ry." I tell him as I get up and hug him.

       "Good. I love you." Ryder says as he plants a kiss on my cheek.

        "I love you too." I say as I give him a kiss on the lips. He smiles and walks out.


"Angel, I'm back." Ryder announces as he walks into the living room, holding a milkshake, and a box. FOOD! I instantly get up and jump on him, taking the food.

"Damn." Ryder mutters under his breath as I gobble down my food.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I tell him as I hug him, sipping my milkshake.

"Of course, angel. Anything for you." Ryder says with a smile, kissing my cheek and pulling me closer to him.

"Aww!" I exclaim as I press a kiss on his neck. He reaches for a fry but I slap his hand.

"No!" I tell him and he laughs.

"Mmm. I like it when you are dominant and bossy." Ryder says with a smirk, placing his lips on my collarbone.

"I like it when you aren't trying to eat my food!"

"Who said I was going to eat it?"

"Why else would you try to take my fries?!"

      "Maybe I was going to use it as mistletoe. Or put it on my neck and have it eat off me?"

"Eww! Ryder Lang!" I exclaim in disgust. So many disturbing images fill my head.

     "What?" Ryder asks, laughing. I hit his arm and he just laughs more.

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