52 All Four Seasons?

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                         *Delilah's POV*

       Once we get back to the house all Hell explodes. Everyone is so close to us and asking a million different questions. So loud. So much. Too loud. Too much. I hide behind Ryder in hopes that our friends and family will stop.

        "EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Ryder yells and everyone is silenced. I let out a breath of relief.

"Okay, thank you. We are going to do this the school way because you children simply can't handle it any other way." Ryder says, eyeing everyone in front of him.

"If you have a question, comment or concern, you can raise your hand and then and only then, will you be able to speak. Once Delilah calls on you. Got it?" Ryder asks and there's a few mumbles of complaints coming from our family and friends but they don't say anything out loud, knowing that Ryder would kill them. Not literally! But...you get what I mean.

"Okay, so we went to the doctor and they said I'm pregnant." I say and everyone cheers with excitement. Squeals fill my ears and I'm surrounded with people congratulating us and hugging us.

"One day an engagement, next a kid." Daisy mumbles.

      "Oh hush." Eva tells her.

      "What? I'm right." She mumbles. I roll my eyes at her.

       "Okay, so there's a lot going on. How about we all relax and think things through? Eliza and Garrett's wedding is next month. Rachel and Cole are engaged. I'm engaged to Delilah. Janet and Kevin just got engaged. Plus Delilah is expecting. We need to seriously think about things." Ryder explains, running a hand through his black hair. His ocean blue eyes fill with stress.

       "Ryder's right. We need to think about things. Like dates. And time. We aren't as young as we used to be. We are starting a new chapter in this story that is also called our lives." I say and everyone stares at me.

      "Yeah. So Eliza and Garrett are next month. Delilah and I are after the baby is born." Ryder says.

"So November to plus nine." Daisy says, rolling her eyes and I shake my head.

"I want to give the baby some time before I throw it into a wedding with a ton of people." I explain.

"So how about August? That's nine, just wait a few weeks, so maybe September." Eva suggests.

"I like September. I've always wanted a fall wedding." I suggest and Ryder grins.

"Whatever you want, angel." Ryder tells me, giving my lips a small kiss.

"Great! I'll have a summer wedding then!" Rachel says and Cole rolls his eyes but has a smile on his face.

       "I'll have a spring one!" Janet says, grinning. She's always loved spring.

      "All four seasons? You people are ridiculous." Eva comments, rolling her eyes.

      "When do you want to get married?" Daisy asks her and Eva's eyes nearly pop out of her head.

      "Um...whenever you want to. Just can I have one request?" Eva asks.

     "It's our wedding, not just mine." Daisy reminds her.

      "Yes, that may be the case but you are meine Königin." (My Queen) Eva says, taking a knee and putting her right fist on her heart. A traditional form of respect as well as that they are lower.

"No, you are my equal." Daisy says, taking Eva's hand and helping her up.

"Ugh! Y'all are so freaking romantic!" Devan complains with a groan.

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