41 I Don't Know What To Do

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*Delilah's POV*

      The sunlight comes through the window, landing on my eyelids. Why didn't I close that curtain?! I groan and roll so my face is in my pillow. But that's when something around my waist tightens and I groan again. This is why I shouldn't drink! I end up with some random dude who thinks I'm into him! I don't want to sleep in some creeps arms anymore. But I'm so comfy! Fudge it!

         "Listen, last night was...well I don't remember most of it, so bye. Next time you fuck a girl, make sure it's memorable! Plus you are really bad!" I yell through my pillow, not opening my eyes. From experience I've learned that if you insult a man in bed, they'd be more likely to leave on their own.

        "Damn, angel. You are hurtful in the morning." I hear a sexy voice that sends shivers down my spine. Yikes. I must be hearing things. Did I drink so much that I'm hallucinating?!

        "How much did I drink last night?" I mutter to myself. I know I drank a bit considering my head hurts like hell.

"Well, considering you were completely out of it when I got here, plus you drank more while I was here. I'd say quite a bit."


"Come on angel, let me see those beautiful eyes." His voice is in my ear and his hands are on my bare shoulders. I am reminded that I am naked under the blankets. How lovely. I open my eyes and Ryder's ocean blue eyes look back.

"There they are." Ryder whispers, his lips slowly get closer to me. I bet he's waiting for me to push him away. But instead, I close the distance. I kiss him and put my hands in his hair. I pull him closer and I feel his hands go up my sides to my boobs. Ryder grabs them and gives them a gentle squeeze. I moan in his mouth.

"Remember yet?" Ryder asks in my ear, his lips brushing my earlobe and I know his soft, pink lips are smirking.

"I was drunk." I remind him. He smiles and shakes his head. Ryder throws the blankets off me and pins my wrists above my head.

"Hmm. You don't remember anything?"

"Why don't you show me and maybe that will help my memory?" I challenge with a smirk. Ryder's smirk only grows as he sits in between my legs and leans closer to me.

"Oh sweetheart, I plan on it." As soon as the words leave Ryder's mouth, I have my legs wrapped around his waist and his hands let my wrists go. My hands go in his hair and pull him closer to me as I passionately make-out with him.

       "Oh!" I hear someone say and then scream. Next thing I know, the door is slammed shut. What the holy fudging pineapple just happened?!

"I swear if he walks in here again, I will shoot his brains out." Ryder mutters and I laugh.

       "Aww, is my poor gang leader mad now?" I tease with a smirk.

"Aww, I'm your gang leader now?"

"I-uh...it's...well...you...see...uh..." I start but blush the whole entire time I struggle for words.

       "How I missed your blush." Ryder whispers as he strokes my cheek. His eyes hold sadness but at the same time happiness. If that makes sense. I can see his struggle in his ocean blue eyes. A phone starts ringing, rather loudly, ruining the moment.

       "Is that yours?" I ask Ryder as he groans. He gets up and answers his phone.

      "What?!" He growls, obviously infuriated that our little moment was ruined. Ryder looks at me and for a split second I see fear in his eyes. "I'll be right back.", he mouths to me. I nod my head as he walks out of my room, completely NAKED! But he just goes to my bathroom that is connected to my room. I hear him turn on the shower but I know he's not in the shower. He's only turning on the water so I don't hear him talk. Smart bastard.

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