51 Who's Next?

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                             •Ryder's POV•

We land in New York City and I grab Delilah's hand, dragging her out to get our bags and then we walk to the parking lot. But we hear screams and we turn around. Standing there waiting for us are Rachel, Cole, Janet, Kevin, Scott, Devin, Eva, Daisy, Rosa, Blake, Garrett and Eliza. The gang is all here waiting for us. Delilah squeals and we rush over to greet them. It feels like forever.

        "Look at my ring!" Rachel exclaims showing Delilah her big diamond ring with a gold band. It sparkles in the midday sun. Thank god there's no snow.

       "Look at mine!" Delilah exclaims, grinning and holding her hand out so everyone could see it. The ring looks so nice on her hand. I know that sounds weird, but it does.

"So when are you proposing?" Janet asks Kevin, giving him a glare and crossing her arms. He just grins. He bends down on knee and takes out a small box.

"Janet, I've known you for what feels like forever. But I want an actual forever with you. I want to be able to wake up to your grumpiness and go to bed to your complaining about your day. I can't imagine life without our daily arguments over stupid things and you hitting me because I'm being 'a stupid annoying prick'. I can't imagine another girl dragging me into 'VS', because I'd never allow another person to. It's always going to be you. Your fiery personality and your ability to take care of yourself are just two of the many things I love about you. I love you though. All of you. Even when I'm mad at you, I still find myself loving you more and more each day. I want you to be the mother of my kids. I want you to be the girl I can't keep my hands off, because honstely I can't. You're just perfect to me. Sure you have flaws, but so doesn't everyone. I love you so fucking much. So will you, Janet, will you marry me?" Kevin asks as he opens the box and inside of it is a purple diamond on a black band. He sure knows her, I think with a chuckle.

"Of fucking course! I've waited forever for this moment!" Janet exclaims as she tackles him to the ground, slamming her lips on his. So much PDA here. At least, that's what I think it's called.

       "Who's next?" Delilah jokes and smile.

"We wouldn't want too many people getting married at the same time." Daisy says and I nod in agreement. Too many weddings. Why worry about your friends's weddings when you have your own to worry about?

"Speaking of weddings... I am afraid Ryder and I will not be able to attend your wedding." Delilah admits to Garrett and Eliza. I see Eliza's face fall with disappointment but she quickly hides it.

"It's because of her isn't it? I promise she'll be on her best behavior." Eliza says and I see Delilah's eyes fill with guilt.

"Because of who?" Daisy and Rachel ask at the same time, eying Eliza and Delilah.

"This girl...I don't know if you remember her... I fought her in one of my fights. She goes by 'Ria' on the streets and at fights but her real name is Rihanna and she happens to be best friends with Eliza." Delilah explains, shuddering at a unpleasant memory. I think about all of the unfortunate encounters I've had with that sicko.

        "Oh my god!" Rachel screeches, covering her mouth with her hand.

        "That's not even the worst thing. She has a thing for Ryder." Delilah finishes.

      "Great. I've been waiting to kill her. Now I actually have a excuse." Janet mumbles getting off of Kevin.

       "That didn't stop you from blowing up her car." I hear Delilah mutter under her breath as she rolls her eyes. Damn.

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