Vegan tradgedy

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Two opposing sides will only show you what they want you to see. That goes for every organization, every person, every heart breaking reality. We will shelter ourselves, because we are selfish creatures. It is the way of the human being. We choose to see what we want to see, as if the truth is a negotiable thing. That is what makes it hard to have a correct opinion in this society, given the fact that you will never have the whole truth. Opinions are bullshit; they are personal facts. Because once a human decides something is correct, they will close themselves off to all other terms. We block painful facts out to protect ourselves. It is not evil, nor is it corrupt. It is simply human nature. I believe that in every person lies a deep, cruel darkness, filled of judgment and pain. That is what makes us the selfish, self ruled creatures that we are.

Herded like sheep into our separate pins, each an metaphorical contradicting opinion. At the base of it all, two opposing views simply cannot, and will not come together. Perhaps if the human race was more patient, intelligence, and selfless, that would be possible.

But it is not.

If you wish to survive in this cruel world, you must teach yourself to adapt. In a way, all mass produced (by the media) opinions and views/events are completely false. These simple events are passed through hundreds of journalists, Righters, producers; each deciding when to break off a piece, add a piece, whatever they must do to make it more digestible to the consumers. And it goes without saying that by the time it gets to the general public, it is a messy mush of lies. But we are told to hold our Noses and swallow, because what is your opinion worth if you are of the minority?
      Next to nothing.
No one will give the time, nor have the patience to listen to you. And it is merely impossible to gather an entire group of people all with the same identical believe and what they wish to cause. Someone will step out and change it all, and the original persons hope for recognition will wash down the drain.

  I rest my point by stating that humanity is a problematic race, and we build ourselves up only to be torn down.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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