♡Chapter 5♡

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Narrator's POV:

You walked into your house.
You: Hey mom
Mom: Hey sweetie how was your day?
You: It was fine!
You went to the bathroom to wash your hands.
Mom: Lunch is ready girls!
You: Coming!
You washed your hands and sat down. Your little sister, Sophie came running.
Sophie* I'm heeere!
Mom* Ok sit down pls sweetheart.

After lunch you went upstairs to do your homework. It wasn't much, as it was only the first day of school. You finished all your homework quickly and you looked at the time. It was 4:30 PM. You remembered that you had practice with the girls at 5 o'clock.

Y/n's POV:

I sighed happily, let my body fall on my bed and my eyes were looking at the ceiling. I had a stupid smile drawn on my face. I grabbed my pillow and gave it a squeezy hug.

You: Chase... what are u doing to my mind u little bitch...(LMFAO SORRY I COULDN'T)
Sophie was standing out my room and saw me.
Sophie: Who's Chase? And why are you so happy? Do you love him?
You: NO! He is my... teacher... yeaH
Sophie: You can't lie to me... Y/n likes Chase! Y/n likes Chaase! Haa haa!

She started singing that little song of hers, which she had just made up, saying that I like Chase...

Back to the narrator's POV

Your mom overheard Sophie's dumb ass song and came upstairs...
Sophie didn't stop though.
Mom: Y/n you should bring him over some day...
You: MOM!
Mom: Ok sorry you can do whatever you want...
You: Thank you!
Mom: Is he nice? Is he good looking?
You: MOM!
Mom: Ok I'm out..
You: Gosh!

You checked your wristwatch and saw it was 4:45 PM

You: Oh shoot I've got to go

You put your water bottle, your keys and your phone in a backpack and left your room.
Mom: Where are you going honey?
You: A cheerleader is sick and I have to replace her. Anyways I'll be late if I don't hurry up now so bye!
Mom: Ok... Call me when you arrive.
You closed the door and left.

You started walking to school.
When you arrived you texted your mom to let her know you were there.

You walked in the basketball court and saw that some of the cheerleaders were already there warming up.

You: Hi girls!
Cheerleader:* Hey!
Lea: Conner told us that you would replace Ona. I'm Lea by the way.
Alexa: I'm Alexa.
You: I'm Y/n-
Indiana: We all know she won't be as good as her. Right?
Lea: Indiana why are you so mean to her?!
Alexa: Sorry about her Y/n..come on, I'll show you what you have to do.

1 hour later..

Alexa: Okay! You've got the moves.
Lea: Ok let's go girls

She turned the music on.
You did every single move perfectly and in the end, all the girls made a pyramid and you did an impressive backflip and were supposed to stand on top of it. But instead, you slipped and fell on the other girls ruining the pyramid.

Lea: Uhh my head.
Indiana: It's all her fault!
You: Oh my god, I'm so sorry...
Alexa: It's o-
Indiana: What?! You're sorry? What does that mean? That you won't do it again? Ona would never do that mistake!
Lea: Indiana stop!
They started arguing...

Y/n's POV:

I felt so goofy. "She's right... I can't do it", I thought. "What was I even thinking when I agreed to do this" I gave up.
Then I ran away. I didn't want them to see me crying because of that. "Y/n wait up!", Alexa said. I didn't reply though... I went in the girls bathroom and started crying.

Alexa: Y/n... You in here? I'm so sorry about Indiana... She just wants you to feel bad.
You: No... she's right. I am useless
Alexa: No you're not! I'm sure you'll do it.
You: I-
Your phone rang. It was Chase
Alexa: Who is it?
You: A friend of mine, Chase.
Alexa: Oh so you know Chase? He's my brother.
You: Aw that's awesome!

I picked up.

You~ Hey Chase
Chase~ Hey wassup how's it going with the practice?
You~ uh... good I guess.
Chase~ Did you meet the other girls?
You~ Yeah.
Chase~ Cool! Are they nice to you or do I need to come over there?
You~ Aw that's so cute! I have to go now though.
Chase~ Oh ok... is everything good?
You~ Yeah everything's really good.
Chase~ Alright; if you need anything you know who to call.
You~ Ok thank you bye!
Chase~ Bye!

Alexa: Ok wanna go back to the other girls now?
You: Yeah... Thanks for coming to help!

I didn't manage to do the flip right. After we finished practicing I left with Alexa and Lea.

Lea: Y/n you were amazing!
Alexa: Yes I agree... do you think that you will manage to do the flip tomorrow?
You: I will do my very best but if I-
Lea: If you don't manage to do it... We won't get mad... you are very kind just because you are helping us and saved the match.
Alexa: Yeah... Without you, our school wouldn't participate in the schools' championship. Not without cheerleaders.

Back to the narrator's POV:

You walked a little more until you arrived to your street..

You: Okay, good night girls! See ya!
Alexa and Lea: good night!
You arrived home and you got in the house. It was 7:30 PM
Mom: Hey sweetie!
You: Hi mom.
Mom: Join us for dinner?
You: Ok I'm going to get ready and I'll be right there.
Mom: Okay.

You went upstairs to your room.. You washed your hands, put your PJ's on and went downstairs. You sat down and started eating.

Mom: So honey, how was your forst day? Did you meet any new people?
Sophie: Yes! She met Chase
Mom: Y/n who did you meet today?
You: Well um there was a new kid at our school, Chase , obvi. I met him in the morning because the principal asked me to show him around.
Mom: What does he look like?
You:Uhh... Well... He is tall and he has blue eyes and brown hair.
Mom: Okayy. Is he nice?
You: Yeah. He is so sweet!
Mom: Okay! Did you meet anyone else?
You: Um.. At practice I met two girls from the cheer team, Alexa and Lea. They are really nice and friendly. They accompanied me until the end of our street. Then I walked to our house.
Mom: Oh that's nice..

But then, you heared a door knock..

To be continued..

A/N:Heyy!! This was chapter 4! I will upload 2day how Lea looks (if u live like under a rock and u don't know). If you enjoy the story give it a star and tell me your opinion in the comments. From now on chapters will be this big *most of the time*. Bai:3

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