♡Chapter 8♡

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Chase+Jason: Y/n tell him!
You: Are you serious now? Guys you two are friends! You shouldn't be fighting over a girl!

They looked at each other

Chase: I guess she's right..
Jason: ok but.. who would you really pick?
Chase: lol we already kniw that
Jason: You're right
Y/n thoughts: uh oh-
Jason+Chase: Obviously me;)
Chase: Haha bro what are you talking about
Jason: lol what are YOU talking about buddy
Chase: Ugh...
Jason: Y/n you'd pick me right?
You: Urm...
Chase: Of course she'd pick me! Right?
You: Chase you never told me-
Jason: That's it! I'M DONE WITH HIM
They walk away to different directions. Chase comes back after a while.
Chase: I guess exit is that way...(akward)
And he leaves.
You: Chase WAIT!
He turns around
Chase: not in a mood really...
He continues walking.
You: But.. You can't just do such thing and then..
Chase: Forget it. Pretend it never happened..
You: Fine.. you don't wanna talk about it now... I'll ask you again later when we're out..
Chase: What do you want to know exactly?
You: Just why did you do that?!
Chase: Because you deserve someone better than him. That's why
You: Oh.. And.. why do you care about who I'm going to be dating?
Chase: I care because I want the best for you. Because you are my friend. Bye now..
You: Oh. That's it... Ok. Uhm.. See you at McDonald's at 7 PM right?
Chase: yeah see ya

Y/n thoughts: Friend... Great... So I am friendzoned:( I really thought he liked me. Silly me... How can someone like HIM like someone like ME

You grab your phone and text her.


                                          Hey loren! Sorry I completely forgot
about you! May I come over
now? I really need to talk

No worries! You can sure
come over b

Thx! Be there in a minute.

(Skip to when you are there)
You knock on her door. She opens.
You: Hey loren!
Loren: Hey!! Come in!
You: Alright coming
Loren: Let's go to my room and yhen we'll be able to talk!
You: Ok

You two go to Loren's room.

Loren: You have tea?
You: I have tea!
Loren: What are you waiting for? Spill the tea gurll!

You tell her everything.. How you met Chase, that he is your crush, about your date later today, about your dad, about Jason, about Indiana, about Chase's and Jason's fight and about what chase told you a few minutes ago.

Loren: So... you think you're friendzoned by the hottest guy in school but you have a date in *looks at clock(6PM)* 1 hour. And you haven't dressed up yet.
You: Friendzoned by whom?
Loren: I heard some girls talking about him saying he is the hottest guy in school..
You: And I am going to go out with the hottest guy in school?!
You: A WHAT?! Of course I'm not!
Loren: Yes you are!! But listen: Time is running.. Better get ready for your date;)
You: Omg you're right!! What am I going to wear?!
Loren: I got you my gurl
You: I trust you..

20 minutes later..

Loren: Done! You look god damn hot girlll

You look yourself in the mirror.

You: Whoah.. I should let you do my makeup more often XD
Loren: You're stunning bb
You: Thanks sis. You saved me:')
Loren: Always:)
You: Also, where did you get these clothes from??
Loren: H&M. You like them?
You: Yeah! I will return them to you tomorrow.
Loren: Ok. But for now.. you have a date with someone..😏
You: You're right! Thanks b! ttyl
Loren: Ok have fun!
You: thx! I will. Bye
Loren: bye!

You get out of her house and start walking. When you arrive at McDonald's, Chase was already outside waiting. You go to his place.

You: Hey Chase!
Chase: Oh hi! You look stunning!!
You: Awh thx! You're not bad either:)
Chase: Alright:) Let's go

You walk in and order. Then, you sit down and wait.

You: Soo....
Chase: About what happened before.. What I meant was that..
You: Chase.. I know what you meant... But why would you do such thing to protect me?
Chase: You see... I didn't just want to protect you but I wanted-
Waitress: Excuse me.. You order..
You: Oh thanks.
Chase: Yeah.
Waitress: it's 5,45$
Chase: I'm paying. There you go*gives*
You: Chase you didn't have to pay for mine as well but thanks:)
Chase: No worries babe
You: What?
Chase: No worries.. I said no worries
You: oh ok
After you finish eating, you get out and start walking. The sun goes down slowly.
You: Chase, before the waitress came you were about to tell me something
Chase: yeah... well, I didn't fight against Jason to protect my friend.. I did it to protect you. And..to be honest, I don't see you as a friend.. in reality.. I have a crush on you Y/n.. since the day we met.. You mean a lot to me you know.. That's why..

To be continued...

A/n: HEY PEOPLE! Another part of the story is out! I think it's a big one:) I hope you enjoyed. If you did, vote please and share with your your friends:) follow my ig: moodychvse

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